Meaning of DEVICE
Pronunciation: | | di'vIs
WordNet Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
- [n] any clever (deceptive) maneuver; "he would stoop to any device to win a point"
- [n]
- [n] an emblematic design (especially in heraldry); "he was recognized by the device on his shield"
- [n] any ornamental pattern or design (as in embroidery)
- [n] something in an artistic work designed to achieve a particular effect
| Websites: | | |
| Synonyms: | | gimmick, twist |
| See Also: | | acoustic device, adapter, adaptor, aerofoil, afterburner, agglomerator, airfoil, alarm, alarm system, appliance, applicator, applier, aspergill, asphyxiator, automatic pilot, autopilot, baby's dummy, bait, battery charger, billiard marker, birth control device, blow tube, blower, blowpipe, blowtube, bootjack, breathalyser, breathalyzer, breathing apparatus, breathing device, breathing machine, bubbler, buffer, catapult, charger, comb, comforter, conductor, contraceptive, contraceptive device, contraption, contrivance, control surface, convenience, converter, convertor, corrective, crusher, cryptograph, cutoff, dampener, damper, data input device, decoy, deflector, dental appliance, depressor, design, detector, diestock, drive, drop forge, drop hammer, drop press, elastic device, electrical device, electronic device, emblem, energiser, energizer, exercise device, explosive device, expressive style, extinguisher, fan, fast one, fender, figure, filter, fire extinguisher, gadget, gas fixture, gismo, gizmo, groover, guard, heat exchanger, heater, input device, instrumentality, instrumentation, launcher, lure, maneuver, manoeuvre, moistener, muffler, pacifier, pattern, preventative, preventive, prophylactic device, restorative, rhetorical device, robot pilot, safety, safety device, seal, sensing element, sensor, stamp, style, surface, tactical maneuver, tactical manoeuvre, teething ring, trick, union, ventilator, warmer, warning device, widget | |
Products Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Device Description not available. more details ... |
Webster's 1913 Dictionary |
| Definition: | | \De*vice"\, n. [OE. devis, devise, will, intention,
opinion, invention, fr. F. devis architect's plan and
estimates (in OF., division, plan, wish), devise device (in
sense 3), in OF. also, division, wish, last will, fr.
deviser. See {Devise}, v. t., and cf. {Devise}, n.]
1. That which is devised, or formed by design; a contrivance;
an invention; a project; a scheme; often, a scheme to
deceive; a stratagem; an artifice.
His device in against Babylon, to destroy it. --Jer.
li. 11.
Their recent device of demanding benevolences.
He disappointeth the devices of the crafty. --Job v.
2. Power of devising; invention; contrivance.
I must have instruments of my own device. --Landor.
(a) An emblematic design, generally consisting of one or
more figures with a motto, used apart from heraldic
bearings to denote the historical situation, the
ambition, or the desire of the person adopting it. See
(b) Improperly, an heraldic bearing.
Knights-errant used to distinguish themselves by
devices on their shields. --Addison.
A banner with this strange device - Excelsior.
4. Anything fancifully conceived. --Shak.
5. A spectacle or show. [Obs.] --Beau. & Fl.
6. Opinion; decision. [Obs.] --Rom. of R.
Syn: Contrivance; invention; design; scheme; project;
stratagem; shift.
Usage: -- {Device}, {Contrivance}. Device implies more of
inventive power, and contrivance more of skill and
dexterity in execution. A device usually has reference
to something worked out for exhibition or show; a
contrivance usually respects the arrangement or
disposition of things with reference to securing some
end. Devices were worn by knights-errant on their
shields; contrivances are generally used to promote
the practical convenience of life. The word device is
often used in a bad sense; as, a crafty device;
contrivance is almost always used in a good sense; as,
a useful contrivance.
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | peripheral |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | ability, achievement, action, ad hoc measure, agency, agent, airborne controls, alerion, alibi, alphabetic character, alternator, AM receiver, AM tuner, AM-FM receiver, AM-FM tuner, amplifier, anagnorisis, ancilla, angle, animal charge, annulet, anode, answer, apology, apparatus, appliance, approach, architectonics, architecture, argent, argument, armature, armorial bearings, armory, arrangement, art, artful dodge, artifice, asiaticism, atmosphere, attack, attribute, auto radio, autoclave, autoconverter, autograph, automatic pilot, automatic pistol, automatic printer, automatic sight, automatic sprinkler, automatic stop, automatic telephone, automaton, autostarter, autotransformer, aviation radio, azure, background, badge, bag of tricks, bandeau, banner, bar, bar sinister, baton, battery charger, battery radio, bearings, behind-the-scenes influence, bend, bend sinister, billet, blazon, blazonry, blind, blueprint, blueprinting, bluff, bordure, bosey, broad arrow, broom, brush, cadency mark, calculation, calutron, canton, cap, capacitor, capacity, capital, carpet sweeper, catastrophe, catch, catchword, cathode, CB, chaplet, character, characteristic, characterization, charge, charger, Charlie McCarthy, charting, chevron, chicanery, chief, choking coil, chouse, christcross, cipher, citizens band, cloak, coat of arms, cockatrice, cognizance, coil, colophon, color, comb, commutator, compensator, complication, conception, condenser, conspiracy, continuity, contraption, contrivance, controller, converter, coronet, countermark, countermove, countersign, countersignature, counterstamp, coup, coupling, course of action, cover, cover story, cover-up, craft, creation, creature, crescent, crest, cross, cross moline, crown, crystal set, currycomb, curve, curve-ball, cute trick, cutout, cytoanalyzer, deceit, demarche, denouement, depth sounder, design, desire, development, devices, diathermy machine, dielectric heater, dielectric preheater, difference, differencing, differentia, dingus, dirty deal, dirty trick, dishcloth, dishwasher, disposable resources, disposition, distributor, dodge, doormat, dummy, dupe, duster, dustpan, dynamo, dynamotor, eagle, earmark, effort, electric eye, electrocardiograph, electrode, electroencephalograph, electrograph, electron lens, electron microscope, electronic air filter, electronic altimeter, electronic battery, electronic clock, electronic computer, electronic detector, electronic drum, electronic fuel gauge, electronic heater, electronic nutcracker, electronic oscillator, electronic refrigerator, electronic timer, electronic typewriter, electrophorus, electrophotometer, electroscope, emblem, endorsement, enterprise, envisagement, epigraph, episode, epithet, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, escutcheon, euphuism, excuse, expedient, expedients, fable, facade, facecloth, fakement, falcon, falling action, fancy, fast deal, Fathometer, feint, fess, fess point, fetch, ficelle, field, figurative language, figurativeness, figure, figure of speech, figuring, file, flanch, fleur-de-lis, Flexowriter typewriter, floridity, flourish, flower, flowery style, foresight, forethought, fret, front, funds, fur, fuse, fusil, gadget, galvanic pile, galvanoscope, gambit, game, garland, Geiger counter, generator, gimcrack, gimmick, gizmo, gloss, go-between, going between, googly, graph, grapheme, graphing, grid, griffin, grift, ground, ground plan, guided missile, guidelines, guise, gules, gyron, gyroscopic pilot, hackle, hairbrush, hallmark, hand, hand tool, handkerchief, handle, handmaid, handmaiden, hatchment, hearing aid, helmet, heraldic device, hickey, high-frequency heater, hocus-pocus, holystone, honor point, hose, idea, idiosyncrasy, ignition, image, image dissector, imagery, impalement, impaling, implement, improvisation, incident, inclination, index, indicant, indicator, induction heater, inductor, inescutcheon, influence, infrared cooker, infrared telescope, initials, inscription, insignia, instrument, instrumentality, insulator, intention, interagent, intermediary, intermediate, intermediation, intermedium, interrupter, intrigue, invention, isotron, John Hancock, joker, juggle, jugglery, jumper, jury-rig, jury-rigged expedient, keynote, knavery, label, lame excuse, last expedient, last resort, last shift, layout, legend, letter, lever, lever pilot, lexigraphic character, lie detector, lightning rod, line, lineup, lion, little game, local color, locus standi, logo, logotype, long-range plan, lozenge, machination, machine, machinery, magnet, magnetic recorder, magneto, magnetoscope, makeshift, maneuver, maneuvering, maneuvers, manipulation, manner of speaking, mantling, mapping, mark, mark of signature, marshaling, martlet, mascle, mask, mass spectrograph, mass spectrometer, mass spectroscope, master plan, means, measure, mechanical device, mechanical heart, mechanism, mediation, mediator, medium, metal, method, methodology, midwife, minion, monogram, mood, mop, motif, motive, motor-generator, motto, move, movement, mullet, multiplex receiver, mythos, napkin, neon light, neon tube, nombril point, nonliterality, nonliteralness, note, octofoil, operations research, or, ordinary, organ, organization, orle, ornament, oscillator, oscillograph, oscilloscope, ostensible motive, outlet, pacemaker, pale, paly, pass, pattern, pawn, pean, peculiarity, peripeteia, pheon, phonetic character, phonetic symbol, photoelectric counter, photoelectric recorder, photoelectric sorter, photoflash bulb, pictographic character, picture, pile, pis aller, plan, planning, planning function, play, plaything, pleasure, plot, ploy, plug, pocket, pocket radio, points, political influence, polygraph, poor excuse, power, power tool, preamplifier, prearrangement, precision tool, pretense, pretension, pretext, procedure, program, program of action, property, protestation, public motive, pumice stone, puppet, purple passage, purpure, push button, put-off, quarter, quartering, racket, radar, radar controls, radio, radio direction finder, radio telescope, radio-frequency heater, radiophone, radio-record player, radiosonde, railroad radio, rake, rationalization, RDF, reactor, receiver, receptacle, recognition, recourse, recourses, rectifier, red herring, refuge, regenerative receiver, relay, relay receiver, representation, representative, resistance box, resistor, resort, resorts, resource, resources, rheostat, rising action, robot pilot, robot plane, robot submarine, rose, ruse, sable, saltire, schedule, schema, schematism, schematization, scheme, scheme of arrangement, scraper, screen, scrub brush, scrubber, scurvy trick, scutcheon, seal, secondary plot, self-starter, selsyn, semblance, servant, service, serviette, setup, shake-up, sham, shield, shift, ship-to-shore radio, show, shunt, sigil, sign, sign manual, signal, signature, signet, slant, slave, sleight, sleight of hand, sleight-of-hand trick, slogan, smoke screen, socket, solution, sonar, spark coil, spark plug, spectrophotometer, speed tool, speedometer, sponge, spread eagle, stalking-horse, stamp, starter, step, step-down transformer, stereo, stock, stooge, stopgap, story, stratagem, strategic plan, strategy, stroke, stroke of policy, structure, subject, subordinary, subplot, subscription, subterfuge, sudarium, superheterodyne, supply, sure sign, swab, switch, syllabic, symbol, symptom, synchronous converter, system, systematization, table radio, tactic, tactical maneuvers, tactical plan, tactics, tag line, tap, telltale sign, temporary expedient, tenne, terminal, the big picture, the picture, thematic development, theme, thermal timing relay, thingumajig, time switch, time-delay relay, timer, tincture, toggle switch, tone, tool, toothbrush, toothpick, topic, torse, towel, toy, trait, transceiver, transformer, transmit-receiver, tressure, trick, trickery, trickle charger, trope, trump, tuner, turn of expression, twist, type, unicorn, utensil, vacuum cleaner, vair, varnish, vehicle, veil, vert, visa, vise, voltage changer, voltage regulator, voltage transformer, walkie-talkie, washboard, washer, washing machine, watcher, watchword, way, way of speaking, ways, ways and means, weapon, wherewith, wherewithal, whim, whisk, widget, wile, will, wily device, wire-pulling, wisp, working hypothesis, working plan, working proposition, wreath, wringer, writing, written character, X, X-ray microscope, yale |