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Meaning of MEDIUM

Pronunciation:  'meedeeum

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  an occupation for which you are especially well suited; "in law he found his true metier"
  2. [n]  an intervening substance through which signals can travel as a means for communication
  3. [n]  a means or instrumentality for communicating
  4. [n]  the surrounding environment; "fish require an aqueous medium"
  5. [n]  someone who serves as an intermediary between the living and the dead; "he consulted several mediums"
  6. [n]  a state that is intermediate between extremes; a middle position; "a happy medium"
  7. [n]  an intervening substance through which something is achieved; "the dissolving medium is called a solvent"
  8. [n]  (bacteriology) a nutrient substance (solid or liquid) that is used to cultivate micro-organisms
  9. [n]  (biology) a substance in which specimens are preserved or displayed
  10. [n]  a liquid with which pigment is mixed by a painter
  11. [adj]  (of meat) cooked until there is just a little pink meat inside
  12. [adj]  around the middle of a scale of evaluation of physical measures; "an orange of average size"; "intermediate capacity"; "a plane with intermediate range"; "medium bombers"
 Synonyms: average, cooked, culture medium, intermediate, metier, moderate, spiritualist
 See Also: aether, agar, air, airwave, album, business, celluloid, cinema, communicating, communication, contrast material, contrast medium, dissolvent, dissolver, dissolving agent, environment, environs, ether, film, job, line, line of work, liquid, matter, means, megalp, megilp, nutrient agar, occupation, paper, print media, psychic, record album, resolvent, solvent, state, substance, surround, surroundings, telecommunication, vehicle



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Me"di*um\, n.; pl. L. {Media}, {E}. {Mediums}. [L.
    medium the middle, fr. medius middle. See {Mid}, and cf.
    1. That which lies in the middle, or between other things;
       intervening body or quantity. Hence, specifically:
       (a) Middle place or degree; mean.
                 The just medium . . . lies between pride and
                 abjection.                        --L'Estrange.
       (b) (Math.) See {Mean}.
       (c) (Logic) The mean or middle term of a syllogism; that
           by which the extremes are brought into connection.
    2. A substance through which an effect is transmitted from
       one thing to another; as, air is the common medium of
       sound. Hence: The condition upon which any event or action
       occurs; necessary means of motion or action; that through
       or by which anything is accomplished, conveyed, or carried
       on; specifically, in animal magnetism, spiritualism, etc.,
       a person through whom the action of another being is said
       to be manifested and transmitted.
             Whether any other liquors, being made mediums, cause
             a diversity of sound from water, it may be tried.
             I must bring together All these extremes; and must
             remove all mediums.                   --Denham.
    3. An average. [R.]
             A medium of six years of war, and six years of
             peace.                                --Burke.
    4. A trade name for printing and writing paper of certain
       sizes. See {Paper}.
    5. (Paint.) The liquid vehicle with which dry colors are
       ground and prepared for application.
    {Circulating medium}, a current medium of exchange, whether
       coin, bank notes, or government notes.
    {Ethereal medium} (Physics), the ether.
    {Medium of exchange}, that which is used for effecting an
       exchange of commodities -- money or current
       representatives of money.
  2. \Me"di*um\, a.
    Having a middle position or degree; mean; intermediate;
    medial; as, a horse of medium size; a decoction of medium
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you are a medium indicates that you are getting in touch with your intuitive side and being more sensitive to your instincts and how your perceive things. It also suggests increased knowledge of your unconscious.
Biology Dictionary
 Definition: Any liquid or solid materials which is prepared for the growth, maintenance, or storage of microorganisms. There are different types of media according to the purposes: basal medium, defined medium, complex medium, differential medium, selective medium, enriched medium, enrichment medium, etc.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: actor, agency, agent, air brush, ambiance, ambience, ambient, amidships, ancilla, appliance, approach, arbitrator, arc, arc light, architect, art paper, atmosphere, atoms, autecology, author, automatist, avenue, average, balance, banal, betwixt and between, bien cuit, bioecology, bionomics, broker, brush, camera lucida, camera obscura, canvas, center, central, chalk, channel, charcoal, Charlie McCarthy, chromogen, climate, coat, coat of paint, coating, color, color filter, color gelatin, colorant, coloring, common, compromise, connection, contact, contrivance, conveyance, core, course, crayon, creator, creature, crown, dead-color, deputy, device, dimmer, distemper, distillate, distillation, distributor, doer, done, doneness, drawing paper, drawing pencil, drier, dull, dummy, duodecimo, dupe, dye, dyestuff, easel, ecoclimate, ecodeme, ecology, ecosystem, ecstatic, eighteenmo, element, elixir, environment, equatorial, equidistant, essence, everyday, executant, executor, executrix, expedient, exterior paint, fabric, fabricator, fair, fair to middling, fairish, fence, fixative, flat coat, flat wash, floats, flood, floodlight, floor enamel, folio, footlights, foots, front, front man, gelatin, generality, gist, go-between, golden mean, ground, half measures, half-and-half measures, halfway, halfway measures, handmaid, handmaiden, happy medium, heart, imperial, implement, indifferent, insipid, instrument, instrumentality, instrumentation, interagent, interceder, intercessor, intercurrent, interior, interior paint, interjacent, intermediary, intermediate, intermediate agent, intermediation, intermediator, intermedium, internuncio, interpleader, intervener, intervenient, intervening, interventionist, interventor, jobber, juste-milieu, kernel, klieg light, lackluster, lay figure, lever, liaison, light plot, lights, limelight, link, long suit, maker, marquee, marrow, material, matter, maulstick, mean, means, meat, mechanism, medial, median, mediary, mediator, mediocre, mediocrity, mediterranean, medium-rare, mesial, mesne, method, metier, mezzo, mid, middle, middle course, middle ground, middle point, middle position, middle state, middle way, middleman, middle-of-the-road, middling, midland, midpoint, midships, midway, midwife, milieu, minion, ministry, mise-en-scene, mode, moderate, moderateness, moderation, modest, mouthpiece, mover, namby-pamby, necromancer, negotiant, negotiator, negotiatress, negotiatrix, neutral, neutral ground, norm, normal, nub, nuclear, octavo, octodecimo, of a kind, of a sort, of sorts, ombudsman, opaque color, operant, operative, operator, ordinary, organ, overcooked, overdone, oyster, paint, paintbrush, palette, palette knife, par, passable, pastel, pawn, pencil, performer, perpetrator, pigment, pigments, pith, plaything, popular, practitioner, prime coat, prime mover, primer, priming, producer, psychic, psychographist, puppet, quarto, quintessence, respectable, road, route, routine, royal, rule, run, run-of-mine, run-of-the-mill, sap, scratchboard, servant, sextodecimo, siccative, sixteenmo, sketchbook, sketchpad, slave, so-so, soul, spatula, spirit, spirit rapper, spiritist, spiritualist, spokesman, spokeswoman, spot, spotlight, spray gun, stain, standard, stooge, stuff, stump, subject, substance, sum and substance, super, surroundings, synecology, tangible, technique, tedious, tempera, thinner, tie, tinction, tincture, tolerable, tool, toy, transparent color, turpentine, turps, twelvemo, undercoat, undercoating, usual, vapid, varnish, vehicle, via media, vulgar, wash, wash coat, way, well-cooked, well-done, wholesaler, wishy-washy, worker