Meaning of APPROACH
Pronunciation: | | u'prowch
WordNet Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
- [n] the act of drawing spatially closer to something; "the hunter's approach scattered the geese"
- [n] a relatively short golf shot intended to put the ball onto the putting green; "he lost the hole when his approach rolled over the green"
- [n] ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation; "his approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons"; "an attack on inflation"; "his plan of attack was misguided"
- [n] a way of entering or leaving; "he took a wrong turn on the access to the bridge"
- [n] a close approximation; "the nearest approach to genius"
- [n] the temporal property of becoming nearer in time; "the approach of winter"
- [n] a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others; "she rejected his advances"
- [n] the event of one object coming closer to another
- [n] the final path followed by an aircraft as it is landing
- [v] make advances to someone, usually with a proposal or suggestion; "I was approached by the President to serve as his adviser in foreign matters"
- [v] metaphorically, as in time; "Winter is approaching"; "approaching old age"
- [v] move towards; "We were approaching our destination"; "They are drawing near"; "The enemy army came nearer and nearer"
- [v] begin to deal with; "approach a task"; "go about a difficult problem"; "appraoch a new project"
- [v] come near or verge on, resemble, come nearer in quality, or character; "This borders on discrimination!"; "His playing approaches tht of Horowitz"
| Websites: | | |
| Synonyms: | | access, advance, approach path, approach shot, approaching, approaching, approaching, attack, border on, come near, coming, coming, feeler, glide path, glide slope, go about, overture, plan of attack, set about |
| See Also: | | access, accost, act, address, advance, air lane, airway, approach pattern, approximate, avenue, bear down on, bear down upon, chip, chip shot, close, closing, closure, come, come close, come up, come up to, conceptualisation, conceptualization, confront, converge, crowd, drive up, edge in, edge up, entrance, entranceway, entree, entry, entryway, face, face up, flight path, formulation, get on, go on, golf shot, golf stroke, landing approach, march on, motion, motion, move, move, move on, movement, movement, pass on, pattern, pitch, pitch shot, proffer, progress, proposition, push, run-up, similarity, suggestion, swing, timing, traffic pattern, way | |
Webster's 1913 Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
\Ap*proach"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Approached}; p. pr.
& vb. n. {Approaching}.] [OE. approchen, aprochen, OF.
approcher, LL. appropriare, fr. L. ad + propiare to draw
near, prope near.]
1. To come or go near, in place or time; to draw nigh; to
advance nearer.
Wherefore approached ye so nigh unto the city? --2
Sam. xi. 20.
But exhorting one another; and so much the more, as
ye see the day approaching. --Heb. x. 25.
2. To draw near, in a figurative sense; to make advances; to
approximate; as, he approaches to the character of the
ablest statesman.
\Ap*proach"\, v. t.
1. To bring near; to cause to draw near; to advance.
[Archaic] --Boyle.
2. To come near to in place, time, or character; to draw
nearer to; as, to approach the city; to approach my cabin;
he approached the age of manhood.
He was an admirable poet, and thought even to have
approached Homer. --Temple.
3. (Mil.) To take approaches to.
\Ap*proach"\, n. [Cf. F. approche. See {Approach}, v.
1. The act of drawing near; a coming or advancing near. ``The
approach of summer.'' --Horsley.
A nearer approach to the human type. --Owen.
2. A access, or opportunity of drawing near.
The approach to kings and principal persons.
3. pl. Movements to gain favor; advances.
4. A way, passage, or avenue by which a place or buildings
can be approached; an access. --Macaulay.
5. pl. (Fort.) The advanced works, trenches, or covered roads
made by besiegers in their advances toward a fortress or
military post.
6. (Hort.) See {Approaching}.
\Ap*proach"\, n. (Golf)
A stroke whose object is to land the ball on the putting
green. It is made with an iron club.
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | access, accomplish, accomplishment, accordance, accost, achieve, achievement, act on, address, adit, advance, advances, advent, advise, agreement, air lock, algorithm, alikeness, alliance, analogy, answer, anticipate, ape, aping, apostrophize, appeal to, appear, appear like, appearance, apply to, approaches, appropinquate, approximate, approximation, arise, arrangement, arrival, arrive, arrive at, arrive in, asking price, assay, assimilation, asymptote, attack, attain, attain to, attainment, attempt, attitude, await, be around, be destined, be fated, be imminent, be in store, be like, be near, be received, be redolent of, be to be, be to come, bear down on, bear down upon, bear resemblance, bear up, bear upon, beg, begin to, beseech, bespeak, bid, blind landing, blow in, blueprint, blueprinting, bob up, bottleneck, break the ice, brew, bribe, bring to mind, buttonhole, buy, buy off, calculation, call, call to, call to mind, call up, center, centralize, chance, charting, check in, clock in, close, close in, close up, close with, closeness, collision course, come, come along, come close, come closer, come forth, come forward, come in, come into being, come into existence, come near, come on, come to, come to hand, come together, come up, coming, coming in, communicate with, community, comparability, compare with, comparison, concenter, concentralization, concentralize, concentrate, concentration, conception, concourse, concurrence, confer, confines, confluence, conflux, conformity, confront, congress, consult, contact, contrivance, converge, convergence, converging, copy, copying, correspond, correspond to, correspondence, corridor, corrupt, counsel, counterfeit, course, court, crack, crop up, crossing, cultivate, design, device, disposition, draw, draw near, draw nigh, draw on, effort, encounter, endeavor, engage, enterprise, entrance, entranceway, entreat, entry, entryway, environs, envisagement, equal, essay, establish connection, evoke, exert influence, expect, experiment, face, fall in with, fashion, favor, feeler, fetch, fetch up at, figuring, find, fix, fling, focalization, focus, follow, foreground, foresee, foresight, foretell, forethought, form, forthcome, forthcoming, funnel, futurity, gain, gain upon, gambit, game, gangplank, gangway, gather, get at, get cozy with, get in, get there, get to, get warm, go, graphing, grease, grease the palm, greet, ground plan, guidelines, guise, hail, hall, halloo, hang over, hit, hit town, hope, hover, hub, idea, identity, imitate, imitation, immediacy, immediate foreground, immediate future, imminence, impend, impendence, impendency, implore, importune, in, ingress, inlet, intake, intention, interrogate, intersect, invitation, invoke, landing, layout, lead on, lick, lie ahead, lie over, lift a finger, likeness, likening, line, line of action, lines, lineup, lobby, lobby through, long-range plan, look for, look forward to, look like, loom, lower, magnetize, maintain connection, make, make a pass, make advances, make an attempt, make an effort, make an overture, make contact with, make it, make overtures, make up to, manner, manner of working, mapping, master plan, match, materialize, means, means of access, meet, meeting, memorialize, menace, metaphor, method, methodology, mimic, mimicking, mirror, MO, mode, mode of operation, mode of procedure, modus operandi, move, movement, mutual approach, narrow the gap, narrowing gap, near, near future, nearly reproduce, nearness, negotiate, neighborhood, nigh, nighness, nip, not tell apart, offer, offering, opening, operations research, order, organization, overhang, overture, overtures, parallel, parallelism, parity, parley, partake of, passage, passageway, path, pay addresses to, pay court to, pay off, pinch, plan, planning, planning function, play up to, plead, plot, pop up, practice, prearrangement, precinct, predict, preliminary approach, present itself, presentation, procedure, proceeding, process, proffer, program, program of action, project, prophesy, propinquity, proposals, propose to, proposition, propositions, proximate, proximity, pull in, pull strings, punch in, purchase, purlieus, question, radius, raise, rationalization, reach, reaching, relate to, remind one of, reply to, resemblance, resemble, respond to, ring in, rival, roll in, routine, run after, run together, salute, sameness, savor of, schedule, schema, schematism, schematization, scheme, scheme of arrangement, seem like, semblance, setup, shine up to, shot, show up, sidle up to, sign in, similarity, simile, similitude, simulate, simulation, smack of, solicit, sound like, sound out, speak, speak fair, speak to, spokes, spring up, stab, stack up, stack up with, step, step up, strategic plan, strategy, stroke, strong bid, style, submission, suborn, suggest, supplicate, system, systematization, tack, tactical plan, tactics, take after, take aside, take care of, talk to, tamper with, tangent, taper, technique, tentative, tentative approach, the big picture, the drill, the how, the picture, the way of, threaten, throw a pass, tickle the palm, time in, tone, touch, touchdown, trench, trial, trial and error, try, turn up, undertake, undertaking, unite, venture, venture on, venture upon, verge, vestibule, vicinage, vicinity, way, way in, whack, wire-pull, wise, work on, working plan |