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Meaning of COME IN

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  take a place in a competition; often followed by an ordinal; "Jerry came in third in the Marathon"
  2. [v]  to insert between other elements; "She interjected clever remarks."
  3. [v]  be received, as of news on the radio or television; "News came in of the massacre in Rwanda"
  4. [v]  to come or go into; "the boat entered an area of shallow marshes"
  5. [v]  come into fashion; become fashionable
 Synonyms: come, come out, enter, get in, get into, go in, go into, inject, interject, interpose, move into, place, put in, throw in
 Antonyms: exit, get out, go out, go out, leave
 See Also: accede to, arrive, board, break up, call at, change, come upon, cut off, disrupt, dock, encroach upon, enter upon, file in, get, get on, interrupt, intrude, intrude on, invade, irrupt, luck into, move in, obtrude upon, out in, penetrate, perforate, pop in, rank, re-enter, take the field, take water, turn in, walk in



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accomplish, accrue, accrue to, achieve, admit, alight, approach, arrive, arrive at, arrive in, attain, attain to, barge in, be admitted, be in heat, be received, blow in, bob up, break in, breeze in, burst in, bust in, check in, clock in, come, come barging in, come breezing in, come busting in, come down, come to, come to hand, crash-land, creep in, cross the threshold, crowd in, descend, desire, ditch, downwind, drop in, edge in, enter, estruate, fall to one, fetch, fetch up at, find, gain, gain admittance, get in, get there, get to, go in, go into, have an entree, have an in, hit, hit town, hop in, ingress, insert, intrude, irrupt, itch for, jam in, jump in, land, level off, light, look in, lust, lust after, make, make it, overshoot, pack in, pancake, penetrate, pop in, pop up, press in, pull in, punch in, push in, put in, reach, rejoin, reply, respond, retort, return, ring in, roll in, rut, set foot in, settle down, show up, sign in, slip in, squeeze in, step in, take in, talk down, thrust in, time in, touch down, turn up, upwind, visit, wedge in, work in