Meaning of LIGHT
Pronunciation: | | lIt
Matching Terms: | | light adaptation, light air, light beam, light beer, light bread, light breeze, light brown, light bulb, light chain, light circuit, light client, light colonel, light company, light cream, light diet, light filter, light heavyweight, light hour, light intensity, light machine gun, light meter, light microscope, light minute, light opera, light pen, light pipe, light reaction, light reactions, light reflex, light repair, light second, light show, light source, light speed, light time, light touch, light unit, light up, light upon, Light Within, Light year, light(a), Lightable, Light-armed, light-blue, Light-boat, lightbulb, light-colored, light-duty, Lighte, lighted, light-emitting diode, light-emitting resistor, Lighten, lighten up, Lightening, lighter, Lighterage, lighterman, lighter-than-air craft, light-fingered, Light-foot, light-footed, Lightful, light-green, light-haired, light-handed, light-handedly, lightheaded, light-headed, light-headedly, lightheadedness, lighthearted, Light-hearted, light-heartedly, lightheartedness, Light-heeled, Lighthorse Harry Lee, Light-horseman, Lighthouse, lighthouse keeper, lighting, lighting circuit, lighting fixture, lighting industry, lighting-up(a), Light-legged, lightless, lightlessness, lightly, lightly armored, lightly armoured, lightly-armed, Lightman, light-minded, light-mindedness, Lightness, Lightning, lightning arrester, lightning bug, lightning conductor, Lightning Hurler, lightning rod, light-of-love, light-o'-love, lightproof, Lightroom, Lights, light-sensitive, lightship, Light-ship, light-skinned, lightsome, lightsomely, lightsomeness, lights-out, Lightstruck, light-table, light-tight, Lightweight, light-weight, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, light-weight process, Light-winged, Lightwood, Lighty
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Seeing light in your dream indicates a clear mind, plain understanding, and insight. Light has been shed on a once cloudy situation or problem. You have found the truth to a situation or an answer to a problem.
Seeing a bright light in your dream indicates that you need to move toward a higher level of awareness and feeling. Bright light dreams are sometimes common for those who are near death. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abuse, accented, account, acquaintance, active, aerial, aeriform, aery, agile, airish, airlike, airy, alabaster, alabastrine, albescent, alfresco, alight, allegorization, alveolar, amplitude, amusing, angle, angle of vision, ankle-deep, announcement, Anschauung, antelope, antinode, apical, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, appear, arrow, articulated, ASA scale, asinine, aspect, assail, assault, assimilated, atmospheric, attack, attenuate, attenuated, aurora, back, balefire, bank, barytone, basis, bay, bay window, be exposed, be revealed, beacon, beacon fire, beacons, beaming, bearable, beat, belabor, berate, bilabial, birdbrained, birdwitted, blond, blue book, blue darter, blue streak, bougie decimale, bow window, boyish, brand, break, break of day, breakable, breezy, briefing, bright, brighten, brighten up, brightening, brightness, brilliant, bring to light, British candle, brittle, broad, bubbly, bulletin, bump, buoyant, burn, butane lighter, cacuminal, camp, campy, candle, candle lumen, candle power, candle-foot, candle-hour, candlelight, candle-meter, cannonball, carefree, casement, casement window, casual, catchpenny, central, cerebral, chambering, chance, changeable, chanticleer, cheap-jack, checked, cheer up, cheerful, cigarette lighter, clarification, clarify, clear, climb down, clobber, close, cloudless, cobwebby, cockcrow, cocklight, come across, come down, come in, come out, come to light, comic, communication, communique, configuration, conflagrate, considering, consonant, consonantal, continuant, coquettish, corky, counterglow, courser, crack of dawn, cracking, crash-land, cream, creamy, crest, crumbly, cursory, cushy, dainty, dart, data, datum, dawn, dawning, daybreak, daylight, day-peep, dayspring, de Broglie wave, debark, debonair, decimal candle, decipherment, decoding, delicate, delicately weak, demonstration, demythologization, dental, deplane, depthless, descend, detrain, develop, diaphane, diaphanous, diffraction, diluted, dim, directory, disclose, discover, disembark, dismiss, dismount, dispatch, display case, dissimilated, ditch, diverting, dizzy, dorsal, downwind, downy, dun-white, eagle, easy, easy as pie, easygoing, editing, effect, effeminate, effortless, effulgent, eggshell, eidolon, electric light bulb, electricity, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic wave, elucidate, elucidation, emendation, emerge, empty, empty-headed, encounter, endurable, enkindle, enlighten, enlightenment, entertaining, epidermal, eternity, ethereal, euhemerism, evanescent, evidence, evolve, exegesis, exemplification, explain, explanation, explication, expose, exposed, exposition, exposure meter, expounding, express train, eye, facet, facile, facts, factual information, faddish, faded, faint, fair, familiarization, fan the flame, fan window, fanlight, farcical, fashion, fatuous, featherbrained, featherweight, feathery, featly, feature, feed, feed the fire, fickle, figure, find, fine, fine-drawn, finespun, fire, firebrand, firelight, first brightening, flambeau, flame, flare, flare-up, flash, flashlight, flat, fleet, flighty, flimsy, flint, flint and steel, flirtatious, flood with light, floodlight, fluffy, fluorescence, fluorescent, flux, foamy, foolish, foot-candle, footing, form, fragile, frail, frame of reference, framework, frangible, free and easy, frequency, frequency band, frequency spectrum, fribble, fribbling, frivolous, front, frothy, fusee, futile, gaslight, gauzy, gay, gazelle, gen, general information, gentle, gestalt, get down, get off, giddy, gimcrack, gimcracky, girlish, glare, glass, glassware, glaucescent, glaucous, gleam, glib, glide, glim, glory, gloss, glossal, glottal, glow, go down, gossamer, gossamery, graceful, gracile, gray-white, greased lightning, greyhound, grille, grow bright, grow light, guidebook, guided wave, guise, guttural, handout, happy, happy-go-lucky, harangue, hard, hard information, hare, headlight, heavy, Hefner candle, high, highlight, hit, holiness, idle, ignite, igniter, ignition, illume, illuminant, illuminate, illumination, illuminator, illumine, illustration, image, imago, immutability, imperceptible, imponderous, impression, in consideration of, in phase, in view of, inane, incandescence, incandescent, incandescent body, incidental information, inconsequential, inconsiderable, inconstant, indistinct, infinite goodness, infinite justice, infinite love, infinite mercy, infinite power, infinite wisdom, infinity, inflame, info, information, insight, insignificant, instruction, insubstantial, intelligence, intensity, interference, international candle, intonated, iridescent, irradiate, ivory, ivory-white, jaunty, jejune, jerry, jerry-built, jet plane, jolly, jovial, joyful, kindle, knee-deep, knowledge, labial, labiodental, labiovelar, lacy, lambaste, lamp, lamp-hour, lancet window, land, lantern, lateral, lattice, lax, leger, level off, light as air, light bulb, light into, light meter, light quantum, light source, light up, light upon, light-colored, lighten, lighter, lighter than vanity, light-footed, light-headed, lighthearted, light-hearted, lighthouse, light-hued, lightish, lightning, lightship, lightsome, lightweight, likeness, limber, lineaments, lingual, lint-white, liquid, lissome, lithe, little, longitudinal wave, look, loose, loose-moraled, louver window, low, lucent, lucid, luck, luculent, lumen, lumen meter, lumen-hour, lumeter, luminant, luminary, luminate, luminescence, luminosity, luminous, luminous flux, luminous intensity, luminous power, lux, magnesium flare, majesty, make a light, make known, make light of, manner, match, meager, mechanical wave, meet, meet up with, mellow, mental outlook, mention, mercurial, mercury, merry, message, Mickey Mouse, mid, mild, misty, moderate, monophthongal, moon, moonlight, morn, morning, mother-of-pearl, mousse, muted, nacreous, namby-pamby, narrow, nasal, nasalized, neat-fingered, neat-handed, nimble, nimble-footed, node, not deep, nothing to it, notice, notification, nugacious, nugatory, obscure, occlusive, occulting light, of easy virtue, of loose morals, off-white, omnipotence, omnipotency, omnipresence, omniscience, omnisciency, on the surface, opalescent, open, open the light, open-air, oriel, otiose, out of phase, outlook, overshine, overshoot, oxytone, painless, palatal, palatalized, pale, pancake, pane, papery, Paphian, pasteboardy, pastel, patinaed, pearl, pearly, pearly-white, peart, peep of day, pellucid, perch, period, periodic wave, perky, petty, pharos, pharyngeal, pharyngealized, phase, phasis, phonemic, phonetic, phonic, phosphorescence, phosphorescent, photon, picture window, pitch, pitched, place, plain, pneumatic, point of view, port, portable, portfire, porthole, position, posttonic, presentation, prime, promiscuous, promotional material, proof, publication, publicity, puny, put on, quantum, quicksilver, quiet, radiance, radiation, radio wave, rare, rarefied, rationale, ray, reason, reference, reference system, reflection, regard, reinforcement, rekindle, release, relight, relucent, relume, relumine, report, resilient, resonance, resonance frequency, respect, retroflex, reveal, ridicule, rocket, roomy, roost, rose window, rounded, sad, scared rabbit, scatterbrained, Scheiner scale, scintillation, scold, seeming, seismic wave, semblance, semigloss, semivowel, serene, set down, set fire to, set on fire, settle, settle down, shallow, shallow-headed, shallow-minded, shallow-pated, shallow-rooted, shallow-witted, shape, shattery, shed light upon, shine, shine a light, shine upon, shining, shoal, shock wave, shopwindow, shot, showcase, shrug off, side, sidelight, sight, signal beacon, signal flare, signal lamp, signal rocket, silly, simple, simple as ABC, simplification, simplify, simulacrum, sissified, sit down, situation, skin-deep, skinny, skittish, skylight, skyrocket, slack, slant, slapstick, sleazy, slender, slenderish, slight, slight-made, slim, slimmish, slinky, small, smooth, sober, soft, soft-colored, softened, soft-hued, solution, somber, sonant, souffle, sound wave, source of light, sovereignty, sparker, sparkle, spill, spotlight, sprightly, spry, stand, standpoint, starlight, stars, statement, stemware, stir the fire, stoke, stoke the fire, stopped, straightforward, streak, streak of lightning, stressed, strike a light, striped snake, strong, stumble, stumble on, style, subdued, subtle, sun, sunlight, sunny, sunrise, sunup, superficial, supportable, surd, sure-footed, surface, surface wave, svelte, swallow, sweet, swift, switch on, syllabic, sylphlike, system, tacky, taking into account, talk down, taper, tender, tense, tenuous, the dope, the goods, the know, the scoop, thick, thin, thin-bodied, thinnish, thin-set, thin-spun, thought, threadlike, throaty, throw light upon, thunderbolt, tidal wave, tolerable, tonal, tongue-lash, tonic, torch, torrent, total effect, touch down, touch off, toying, tragicomic, translucent, translucid, transmission, transom, transparent, transparent substance, transpire, transverse wave, trifling, trite, trivial, trivialize, tropospheric, trough, tumble, turn on, turn up, twangy, twist, ubiquity, unaccented, unburdensome, unclear, unclouded, uncomplicated, uncover, undemanding, undependable, understanding, underweight, unearth, unheavy, unhorse, unimportant, unit of flux, unit of light, unity, universe, unlocking, unobscured, unpredictable, unprofound, unreliable, unrounded, unstressed, unsubstantial, untaxing, unveil, upbraid, upwind, vacant, vacillating, vacuous, vague, vain, vapid, velar, versatile, vertiginous, Very flare, vestibule of Day, view, viewpoint, vitrics, vitrine, vocalic, vocoid, voiced, voiceless, volatile, vowel, vowellike, wanton, watch crystal, watch fire, watch glass, watered, watered-down, watery, wave, wave equation, wave motion, wave number, wavelength, wayward, weak, weightless, white book, white paper, whitish, whity, whorish, wicket, wide, willowy, wind, window, window bay, window glass, windowlight, windowpane, windy, wiredrawn, wise, wispy, witty, womanish, word, write off, yeasty |