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Meaning of LUMINARY

Pronunciation:  'loomu`neree

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a celebrity who is an inspiration to others; "he was host to a large gathering of luminaries"
 Synonyms: guiding light, leading light, notability, notable
 See Also: celebrity, famous person



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Lu"mi*na*ry\, n.; pl. {Luminaries}, [F. luminaire, L.
luminare a light or lamp, which was lighted in the churches,
a luminary, fr. lumen, luminis, light, fr. lucere to be
light, to shine, lux, lucis, light. See {Light}.]
1. Any body that gives light, especially one of the heavenly
   bodies. `` Radiant luminary.'' --Skelton.
         Where the great luminary . . . Dispenses light from
         far.                                  --Milton.
2. One who illustrates any subject, or enlightens mankind;
   as, Newton was a distinguished luminary.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: actinic, big, big name, big-timer, candle, catoptric, celebrity, chief, constellation, cynosure, electric light bulb, electronics king, eminence, figure, fire, first-rater, flame, folk hero, galaxy, genius, glim, great man, heliographic, heliological, hero, heroine, honcho, idol, illuminant, illuminator, immortal, important person, incandescent body, king, lamp, lantern, lead, leader, leading light, light, light bulb, light source, lion, luminal, luminant, luminaries, man of mark, master spirit, match, moon, nabob, name, notability, notable, paramount, person of note, personage, photic, photoactinic, photologic, pleiad, pop hero, popular hero, popular idol, prima donna, principal, prodigy, public figure, social lion, somebody, source of light, star, stars, sun, superstar, taper, top dog, topnotcher, torch, VIP, virtuoso, wonder, worthy