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Meaning of ANY

Pronunciation:  'enee

WordNet Dictionary
[adv]  to any degree or extent; "it isn't any better"

ANY is a 3 letter word that starts with A.


Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \A"ny\, a. & pron. [OE. [ae]ni[yogh], [ae]ni, eni, ani, oni,
    AS. [=ae]nig, fr. [=a]n one. It is akin to OS. [=e]nig, OHG.
    einic, G. einig, D. eenig. See {One}.]
    1. One indifferently, out of an indefinite number; one
       indefinitely, whosoever or whatsoever it may be.
    Note: Any is often used in denying or asserting without
          limitation; as, this thing ought not be done at any
          time; I ask any one to answer my question.
                No man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither
                knoweth any man the Father, save the Son. --Matt.
                                                   xi. 27.
    2. Some, of whatever kind, quantity, or number; as, are there
       any witnesses present? are there any other houses like it?
       ``Who will show us any good?'' --Ps. iv. 6.
    Note: It is often used, either in the singular or the plural,
          as a pronoun, the person or thing being understood;
          anybody; anyone; (pl.) any persons.
                If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, .
                . . and it shall be given him.     --Jas. i. 5.
                That if he found any of this way, whether they
                were men or women, he might bring them bound unto
                Jerusalem.                         --Acts ix. 2.
    {At any rate}, {In any case}, whatever may be the state of
       affairs; anyhow.
  2. \A"ny\, adv.
    To any extent; in any degree; at all.
          You are not to go loose any longer.      --Shak.
          Before you go any farther.               --Steele.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: a, a certain, all, all and some, all and sundry, an, any one, anybody, anyone, anything, atomic, aught, certain, each, each and all, each and every, each one, either, every, every one, exclusive, individual, indivisible, integral, irreducible, lone, measured, monadic, monistic, one, one and all, quantified, quantitative, quantitive, quantized, simple, single, singular, sole, solid, solitary, some, something, somewhat, unanalyzable, undivided, uniform, unique, unitary, whole