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Meaning of GUIDEBOOK

Pronunciation:  'gId`bûk

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  something that offers basic information or instruction
 Synonyms: guide
 See Also: enchiridion, field guide, handbook, itinerary, roadbook, travel guidebook, vade mecum



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Guide"book`\, n.
A book of directions and information for travelers, tourists,
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: account, acquaintance, announcement, Baedeker, bibliography, blue book, briefing, bulletin, business directory, catalog, checklist, city directory, classified directory, communication, communique, compendium, cookbook, cookery book, data, datum, directory, dispatch, enchiridion, enlightenment, evidence, facts, factual information, familiarization, field guide, finding list, gen, general information, gradus, guide, handbook, handlist, handout, hard information, how-to book, incidental information, index, info, information, instruction, intelligence, itinerary, knowledge, light, manual, mention, message, nature book, notice, notification, phone book, presentation, promotional material, proof, publication, publicity, reference book, release, report, road map, roadbook, sidelight, statement, telephone book, telephone directory, the dope, the goods, the know, the scoop, transmission, travel book, vade mecum, white book, white paper, word, Yellow Pages