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Meaning of FLIMSY

Pronunciation:  'flimzee

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a thin strong light-weight translucent paper used especially for making carbon copies
  2. [adj]  having little substance or significance; "a flimsy excuse"; "slight evidence"; "a tenuous argument"; "a thin plot"
  3. [adj]  lacking solidity or strength; "a flimsy table"; "flimsy construction"; "a fragile link with the past"
  4. [adj]  resembling cardboard especially in flimsiness; "apartments with cardboard walls"
  5. [adj]  very thin and insubstantial; "thin paper"; "flimsy voile"; "light summer dresses"
 Synonyms: cardboard, fragile, inferior, light, onionskin, slight, tenuous, thin, weak
 See Also: typewriter paper, typing paper



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Flim"sy\, a. [Compar. {Flimsier}; superl. {Flimsiest}.]
    [Cf. W. llymsi naked, bare, empty, sluggish, spiritless. Cf.
    Weak; feeble; limp; slight; vain; without strength or
    solidity; of loose and unsubstantial structure; without
    reason or plausibility; as, a flimsy argument, excuse,
          Proud of a vast extent of flimsy lines.  --Pope.
          All the flimsy furniture of a country miss's brain.
    Syn: Weak; feeble; superficial; shallow; vain.
  2. \Flim"sy\, n.
    1. Thin or transfer paper.
    2. A bank note. [Slang, Eng.]
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: adulterated, airy, asinine, attenuate, attenuated, boyish, breakable, brittle, brittle as glass, catchpenny, cheap-jack, cobwebby, crackable, crisp, crispy, crumbly, crushable, cut, dainty, decrepit, delicate, delicately weak, diaphanous, dilapidated, dilute, diluted, effeminate, empty, ethereal, fatuous, feeble, filmy, fine, fine-drawn, finespun, fissile, flabby, flaccid, floppy, foolish, fracturable, fragile, frail, frangible, friable, fribble, fribbling, frivolous, frothy, futile, gaseous, gauzy, gimcrack, gimcracky, girlish, gossamer, gossamery, gracile, idle, implausible, improbable, inadequate, inane, inconceivable, inconclusive, incredible, infirm, insubstantial, jerry, jerry-built, lacerable, lacy, lax, light, lightweight, limp, loose, makeshift, misty, namby-pamby, nugacious, nugatory, otiose, paltry, papery, pasteboardy, poor, puny, ramshackle, rare, rarefied, relaxed, rickety, rubbery, scissile, shaky, shallow, shatterable, shattery, sheer, shivery, silly, sissified, sleazy, slender, slenderish, slight, slight-made, slim, slimmish, slinky, small, splintery, subtile, subtle, superficial, svelte, sylphlike, tacky, tenuous, thin, thin-bodied, thinned, thinned-out, thinnish, thin-set, thin-spun, threadlike, transparent, trifling, trite, trivial, unbelievable, uncompact, uncompressed, unconvincing, unproved, unrigorous, unsatisfactory, unsound, unsubstantial, unsustained, vacuous, vague, vain, vapid, vaporous, vulnerable, wasp-waisted, watered, watered-down, watery, weak, weakly, willowy, windy, wiredrawn, wispy, womanish