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Meaning of FOOLISH

Pronunciation:  'foolish

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  (informal) having or revealing stupidity; "ridiculous anserine behavior"; "a dopey answer"; "a dopey kid"; "some fool idea about rewriting authors' books"
  2. [adj]  devoid of good sense or judgment; "foolish remarks"; "a foolish decision"
 Synonyms: absurd, anserine, asinine, cockamamie, cockamamy, derisory, dopey, dopy, fatuous, fond, fool(a), goofy, gooselike, goosey, goosy, harebrained, ill-conceived, inane, insane, laughable, ludicrous, mad, mindless, misguided, nonsensical, preposterous, rattlebrained, rattlepated, ridiculous, sappy, scatterbrained, scatty, silly, stupid, unreasonable, unwise, vacuous, wacky, whacky, zany
 Antonyms: wise
 See Also: ill-advised, impolitic, imprudent, inadvisable, unadvisable, unadvised



Products Dictionary

Mile "Foolish" Waise (Griffin) is a fast rising phenomenon in the comedy nightclub scene. While his manager wants him to sell out and make the big bucks, Foolish just wants to chill out and make his audiences happy. He's also got to put up with the half-baked schemes of his always scammin' brother Quentin "Fifty Dollah" Waise (Master P) - a small-time hoodlum whose secret dream is to start a comedy club with Foolish.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Fool"ish\, a.
1. Marked with, or exhibiting, folly; void of understanding;
   weak in intellect; without judgment or discretion; silly;
         I am a very foolish fond old man.     --Shak.
2. Such as a fool would do; proceeding from weakness of mind
   or silliness; exhibiting a want of judgment or discretion;
   as, a foolish act.
3. Absurd; ridiculous; despicable; contemptible.
         A foolish figure he must make.        --Prior.
Syn: Absurd; shallow; shallow-brained; brainless; simple;
     irrational; unwise; imprudent; indiscreet; incautious;
     silly; ridiculous; vain; trifling; contemptible. See
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: absurd, airy, apish, arch, asinine, batty, befooled, beguiled, bemused, besotted, beyond belief, bizarre, blockheaded, boneheaded, brainless, brash, buffoonish, catchpenny, cockamamie, cockeyed, confused, crazy, credulous, cuckoo, daffy, daft, dazed, demented, devilish, dim, dim-witted, dippy, dizzy, dopey, doting, dotty, dull-witted, dumb, elfish, elvish, empty, empty-headed, erratic, extravagant, fantastic, fatuitous, fatuous, feebleminded, flaky, flimsy, fond, fool, foolhardy, foolheaded, fribble, fribbling, frivolous, frothy, fuddled, full of mischief, futile, gaga, goofy, grotesque, gulled, hasty, headless, headlong, heedless, high-flown, high-spirited, idiotic, idle, ignorant, ill-advised, ill-considered, illogical, imbecile, imbecilic, impetuous, impish, impolitic, imprudent, inane, incautious, incredible, indiscreet, inept, infatuated, injudicious, insane, insensate, irrational, knavish, kooky, lackbrained, laughable, lean-minded, lean-witted, light, light-headed, loony, ludicrous, mad, maudlin, mindless, mischief-loving, mischievous, misguided, monstrous, moronic, nonsensical, not bright, nugacious, nugatory, numskulled, nuts, nutty, obtuse, of little brain, otiose, outrageous, outre, pea-brained, Pickwickian, pin-brained, playful, poppycockish, potty, prankish, pranksome, pranky, preposterous, puckish, rash, reasonless, reckless, ridiculous, roguish, rubbishy, sappy, scampish, scapegrace, scatterbrained, screwy, senseless, sentimental, shallow, short-sighted, silly, skimble-skamble, slackminded, slackwitted, slender, slight, slow-witted, sportive, stolid, stupid, superficial, thick, thickheaded, thoughtless, trashy, trickish, tricksy, trifling, trite, trivial, twaddling, twaddly, ungifted, unintellectual, unintelligent, unorthodox, unreasonable, unreasoning, unstable, untalented, unthinking, unwary, unwise, unwitty, vacuous, vain, vapid, wacky, waggish, weak-minded, weird, wet, wild, windy, witless