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Meaning of FOND

Pronunciation:  fând

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  extravagantly or foolishly loving and indulgent; "adoring grandparents"; "deceiving her preoccupied and doting husband with a young captain"; "hopelessly spoiled by a fond mother"
  2. [adj]  having or displaying warmth or affection; "affectionate children"; "caring parents"; "a fond embrace"; "fond of his nephew"; "a tender glance"; "a warm embrace"
  3. [adj]  absurd or silly because unlikely; "fond hopes of becoming President"; "fond fancies"
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 Synonyms: adoring, affectionate, caring, doting, foolish, lovesome, loving, tender, warm



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Fond\, obs.
    imp. of {Find}. Found. --Chaucer.
  2. \Fond\, a. [Compar. {Fonder}; superl. {Fondest}.] [For
    fonned, p. p. of OE. fonnen to be foolish. See {Fon}.]
    1. Foolish; silly; simple; weak. [Archaic]
             Grant I may never prove so fond To trust man on his
             oath or bond.                         --Shak.
    2. Foolishly tender and loving; weakly indulgent;
    3. Affectionate; loving; tender; -- in a good sense; as, a
       fond mother or wife. --Addison.
    4. Loving; much pleased; affectionately regardful, indulgent,
       or desirous; longing or yearning; -- followed by of
       (formerly also by on).
             More fond on her than she upon her love. --Shak.
             You are as fond of grief as of your child. --Shak.
             A great traveler, and fond of telling his
             adventures.                           --Irving.
    5. Doted on; regarded with affection. [R.]
             Nor fix on fond abodes to circumscribe thy prayer.
    6. Trifling; valued by folly; trivial. [Obs.] --Shak.
  3. \Fond\, v. t.
    To caress; to fondle. [Obs.]
          The Tyrian hugs and fonds thee on her breast. --Dryden.
  4. \Fond\, v. i.
    To be fond; to dote. [Obs.] --Shak.
  5. \Fond\, n. [F., fr. L. fundus. See {Fund}.] [Obs., or used
    as a French word]
    1. Foundation; bottom; groundwork; specif.:
       (a) (Lace Making) The ground.
       (b) (Cookery) The broth or juice from braised flesh or
           fish, usually served as a sauce.
    2. Fund, stock, or store.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: addicted to, adoring, affectionate, apish, asinine, aspiring, assured, attached to, batty, befooled, beguiled, besotted, bootless, brainless, buffoonish, caring, cockeyed, confident, conjugal, crazy, credulous, daffy, daft, dazed, dear, demonstrative, devoted, dizzy, doting, dumb, easily taken in, easy of belief, empty, expectant, faithful, fatuitous, fatuous, filial, flaky, fond of, fool, foolheaded, foolish, fuddled, full of hope, futile, gaga, goofy, gulled, hooked on, hopeful, hoping, husbandly, idiotic, imbecile, in good heart, in hopes, inane, inclined to believe, indulgent, inept, infatuated, insane, kooky, languishing, lonesome, loony, lovelorn, lovesick, lovesome, loving, mad, maternal, maudlin, melting, moronic, naive, nutty, of good cheer, of good hope, overconfiding, overcredulous, overtrustful, overtrusting, parental, partial to, paternal, responsive, romantic, sanguine, sappy, screwy, senseless, sentimental, silly, soft, stupid, superstitious, sympathetic, tender, thoughtless, trustful, trusting, uncritical, undespairing, undoubting, unskeptical, unsuspecting, unsuspicious, upbeat, uxorious, vain, wacky, warm, wet, wifely, witless