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Meaning of DIZZY

Pronunciation:  'dizee

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  lacking seriousness; given to frivolity; "a dizzy blonde"; "light-headed teenagers"; "silly giggles"
  2. [adj]  having or causing a whirling sensation; liable to falling; "had a dizzy spell"; "a dizzy pinnacle"; "had a headache and felt giddy"; "a giddy precipice"; "feeling woozy from the blow on his head"; "a vertiginous climb up the face of the cliff"
  3. [v]  make dizzy or giddy; "a dizzying pace"
 Synonyms: airheaded, empty-headed, featherbrained, frivolous, giddy, ill, lightheaded, light-headed, sick, silly, vertiginous, woozy
 See Also: alter, change



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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Diz"zy\ (d[i^]z"z[y^]), a. [Compar. {Dizzier}
    (-z[i^]*[~e]r); superl. {Dizziest}.] [OE. dusi, disi, desi,
    foolish, AS. dysig; akin to LG. d["u]sig dizzy, OD. deuzig,
    duyzig, OHG. tusig foolish, OFries. dusia to be dizzy; LG.
    dusel dizziness, duselig, dusselig, D. duizelig, dizzy, Dan.
    d["o]sig drowsy, slepy, d["o]se to make dull, drowsy, d["o]s
    dullness, drowsiness, and to AS. dw[=ae]s foolish, G. thor
    fool. [root]71. Cf. {Daze}, {Doze}.]
    1. Having in the head a sensation of whirling, with a
       tendency to fall; vertiginous; giddy; hence, confused;
             Alas! his brain was dizzy.            --Drayton.
    2. Causing, or tending to cause, giddiness or vertigo.
             To climb from the brink of Fleet Ditch by a dizzy
             ladder.                               --Macaulay.
    3. Without distinct thought; unreflecting; thoughtless;
       heedless. ``The dizzy multitude.'' --Milton.
  2. \Diz"zy\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Dizzied}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    To make dizzy or giddy; to give the vertigo to; to confuse.
          If the jangling of thy bells had not dizzied thy
          understanding.                           --Sir W.
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you feel dizzy, symbolizes confusion. You are unable to make a decision or make up your mind about something. Concentrate of a focal point and learn to balance your choices.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: addle, addlebrained, addled, addleheaded, addlepated, adrift, afloat, alternating, amorphous, apish, asinine, babbling, ball up, batty, beery, befooled, befuddle, befuddled, beguiled, bemused, besotted, bewilder, bewildered, blear-witted, blind drunk, brainless, buffoonish, capricious, cause vertigo, changeable, changeful, cockeyed, confounded, confused, crapulent, crapulous, crazy, credulous, daffy, daft, dazed, dazzled, delirious, desultory, deviable, distracted, doting, drenched, drunk, drunken, dumb, eccentric, empty-headed, erratic, exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, faint, far-gone, fast and loose, fatuitous, fatuous, featherbrained, featherheaded, fickle, fitful, flaky, flickering, flighty, flitting, fluctuating, fluster, flustered, fluttery, foggy, fond, fool, foolheaded, foolish, fou, freakish, frivolous, fuddle, fuddlebrained, fuddled, full, futile, gaga, gay, giddy, giddy-brained, giddy-headed, giddy-pated, giddy-witted, glorious, goofy, gulled, happy, harebrain, harebrained, idiotic, imbecile, immoderate, impetuous, impulsive, in liquor, inane, incoherent, inconsistent, inconstant, indecisive, inebriate, inebriated, inebrious, inept, infatuated, infirm, inordinate, insane, intoxicate, intoxicated, irregular, irresolute, irresponsible, jolly, kooky, light, lightheaded, light-headed, loony, mad, maudlin, mazy, mellow, mercurial, merry, mix up, moody, moronic, muddle, muddled, muddleheaded, muddybrained, muzzy, nappy, nutty, off, puzzled, puzzleheaded, rambling, ranting, rattlebrained, rattleheaded, rattlepated, raving, reeling, restless, roving, sappy, scatterbrained, scramblebrained, screwy, senseless, sentimental, shapeless, shatterbrained, shifting, shifty, shikker, shuffling, silly, skittish, sodden, sotted, spasmodic, spineless, stupid, swimming, swirl the senses, thoughtless, throw off, tiddly, tipsy, tottering, towering, turned around, unaccountable, uncertain, unconscionable, uncontrolled, undependable, under the influence, undisciplined, undue, unfixed, unmeasurable, unpredictable, unreliable, unrestrained, unsettled, unstable, unstable as water, unstaid, unsteadfast, unsteady, vacillating, vagrant, variable, vertiginous, vicissitudinary, vicissitudinous, volatile, wacky, wandering, wanton, wavering, wavery, wavy, wayward, wet, whimsical, whirl the mind, whirling, wishy-washy, witless, woozy