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Meaning of UNSETTLED

Pronunciation:  un'setld

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  not yet settled; "unsettled territory"
  2. [adj]  subject to change; "a changeable climate"; "the weather is uncertain"; "unsettled weather with rain and hail and sunshine coming one right after the other"
  3. [adj]  not settled or established; "an unsettled lifestyle"
  4. [adj]  still in doubt; "an unsettled issue"; "an unsettled state of mind"
  5. [adj]  lacking order or stability; "these unsettled times"
 Synonyms: aimless, changeable, disturbed, doubtful, drifting, erratic, floating, homeless, itinerant, migrant, migratory, mobile, nomadic, open, peregrine, peripatetic, planetary, rootless, roving, stateless, tentative, uncertain, undecided, undetermined, uninhabited, unlocated, unresolved, unstable, vagabond, vagrant, variable, wandering, wayfaring
 Antonyms: settled



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A sweeping and original history of the Jewish experience from the point of view of a renowned anthropologist In this intellectually rich and passionately written history, anthropologist Melvin Konner takes the whole sweep of Western civilization as his canvas and onto it places the Jewish people and faith. Drawing on archaeological findings, census data, religious texts, diaries, poetry, oral histories, and more, Konner shows how the Jews shaped the world around them and how this largely hostile but at times accepting world shaped Jewish practice, culture, and success. We see how the facts of oppression and ongoing diaspora led to the rise of Jewish literacy, education, trade, and influence that continue to make their mark today. Konner takes the reader from the pastoral tribes of the Bronze Age to enslavement in the Roman Empire, from the converses fleeing the Spanish Inquisition to eighteenth-century European villages, from the darkness of the Holocaust to the creation of Israel and the flourishing of Jews in America. The result is a unique and comprehensive portrait of the major events, people, traditions, and turning points of the Jewish people and faith.

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