Meaning of FOU
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | addled, aliene, bedlamite, beery, bemused, besotted, blind drunk, borderline case, crackbrain, crackpot, crapulent, crapulous, dement, demoniac, dizzy, drenched, drunk, drunken, far-gone, flake, flustered, full, gay, giddy, glorious, happy, idiot, in liquor, inebriate, inebriated, inebrious, intoxicated, jolly, kook, loon, loony, lunatic, madman, maniac, maudlin, mellow, merry, meshuggenah, muddled, nappy, noncompos, nut, phrenetic, raving lunatic, reeling, screwball, shikker, sodden, sotted, tiddly, tipsy, under the influence, weirdo |
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