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Meaning of DELIRIOUS

Pronunciation:  di'leereeus

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion; "a crowd of delirious baseball fans"; "something frantic in their gaiety"; "a mad whirl of pleasure"
  2. [adj]  experiencing delirium
 Synonyms: excited, frantic, hallucinating, ill, mad, sick, unrestrained, wild



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\De*lir"i*ous\, a. [From {Delirium}.]
Having a delirium; wandering in mind; light-headed; insane;
raving; wild; as, a delirious patient; delirious fancies. --
{De*lir"i*ous*ly}, adv. -- {De*lir"i*ous*ness}, n.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abandoned, ablaze, afire, all agog, amok, ardent, at fever pitch, babbling, bellowing, berserk, bewildered, boiling over, breathless, burning, carried away, confused, cordial, corybantic, crazed, crazy, delighted, demented, demoniac, deranged, disarranged, disordered, distracted, disturbed, dizzy, drunk, ecstatic, enraptured, enthused, enthusiastic, excited, exuberant, fanatical, febrile, feral, ferocious, fervent, fervid, fevered, feverish, feverous, fierce, fiery, flaming, flushed, frantic, frenetic, frenzied, fulminating, furious, giddy, glowing, haggard, hearty, heated, hectic, hog-wild, hot, howling, hyperpyretic, hyperthermic, hysteric, hysterical, impassioned, in a fever, in a transport, in hysterics, incoherent, infatuated, inflamed, insane, intense, intoxicated, irrational, keen, lightheaded, lively, lunatic, mad, madding, maniac, off, on fire, orgasmic, orgiastic, overanxious, overdesirous, overeager, overenthusiastic, overexcited, overwrought, overzealous, passionate, perfervid, possessed, pyretic, rabid, raging, rambling, ramping, ranting, rapturous, raving, ravished, red-hot, roaring, running mad, steaming, steamy, storming, thrilled, transported, ultrazealous, uncontrollable, unhinged, unreasonable, unrestrained, unsettled, vigorous, violent, wandering, warm, wild, wild-eyed, wild-looking, zealous