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Pronunciation:  enr'apchurd

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  feeling great rapture or delight
  2. [adj]  deeply moved; "sat completely still, enraptured by the music"; "listened with rapt admiration"; "rapt in reverie"
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 Synonyms: captive, ecstatic, joyous, moved(p), rapt, rapturous, rhapsodic



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abandoned, agape, aghast, agog, all agog, amazed, amok, astonished, astounded, at gaze, awed, awestruck, becharmed, beguiled, bellowing, berserk, bewildered, bewitched, breathless, bursting with happiness, captivated, carried away, charmed, confounded, delirious, demoniac, distracted, dumbfounded, dumbstruck, ecstatic, elate, elated, enamored, enchanted, enravished, enthralled, entranced, exalted, exultant, fascinated, feral, ferocious, fierce, flabbergasted, flushed, frantic, freaked out, frenzied, fulminating, furious, gaping, gauping, gazing, haggard, heartsmitten, high, hog-wild, howling, hypnotized, hysterical, imparadised, in a transport, in awe, in awe of, in ecstasies, in heaven, in hysterics, in paradise, in raptures, in seventh heaven, infatuate, infatuated, intoxicated, jubilant, lost in wonder, mad, madding, maniac, marveling, mesmerized, on cloud nine, open-eyed, openmouthed, orgasmic, orgiastic, overjoyed, overjoyful, overwhelmed, popeyed, possessed, puzzled, rabid, raging, ramping, ranting, rapt, rapt in wonder, raptured, rapturous, raving, ravished, rhapsodic, roaring, running mad, sent, smitten, spellbound, staggered, staring, storming, stupefied, surprised, thunderstruck, transported, uncontrollable, under a charm, violent, wide-eyed, wild, wild-eyed, wild-looking, wondering, wonder-struck