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Pronunciation:  `owvurw'elmd

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  decisively defeated in combat
  2. [adj]  rendered powerless especially by an excessive amount or profusion of something; "a desk flooded with applications"; "felt inundated with work"; "too much overcome to notice"; "a man engulfed by fear"; "swamped by work"
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 Synonyms: beaten, conquered, defeated, engulfed, flooded, inundated, overcome, overpowered, overthrown, powerless, routed, swamped, vanquished, weak



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: afloat, agape, aghast, agog, all agog, all up with, amazed, astonished, astounded, at flood, at gaze, awash, awed, awestruck, beat, beaten, beguiled, bested, bewildered, bewitched, breathless, broken-down, brokenhearted, captivated, confounded, crushed, cut up, defeated, deluged, desolated, discomfited, dismayed, done for, done in, down, drowned, dumbfounded, dumbstruck, enchanted, engulfed, enraptured, enravished, enthralled, entranced, fallen, fascinated, fixed, flabbergasted, flooded, floored, gaping, gauping, gazing, heartbroken, heart-stricken, heart-struck, hors de combat, hypnotized, in awe, in awe of, in spate, inflood, inundated, lambasted, lathered, licked, lost in wonder, marveling, mesmerized, on the skids, open-eyed, openmouthed, outdone, overborne, overcome, overexcited, overmastered, overmatched, overpowered, overridden, overthrown, overturned, overwrought, panicked, popeyed, put to rout, puzzled, rapt in wonder, routed, ruined, scattered, settled, shocked, silenced, skinned, skinned alive, spellbound, staggered, stampeded, staring, stricken, stupefied, surprised, swamped, swept, thunderstruck, trimmed, trounced, under a charm, undone, upset, washed, water-washed, whelmed, whipped, wide-eyed, wondering, wonder-struck, worsted