Pronunciation: | | fl'aburg`astud
WordNet Dictionary |
| Definition: | | [adj] as if struck dumb with astonishment and surprise; "a circle of policement stood dumbfounded by her denial of having seem the accident"; "the flabbergasted aldermen were speechless"; "was thunderstruck by the news of his promotion" |
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| Synonyms: | | dumbfounded, dumfounded, stupefied, surprised, thunderstruck |
Products Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Flabbergasted Description not available. more details ... |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | agape, aghast, agog, all agog, amazed, astonished, astounded, at gaze, awed, awestruck, beguiled, bewildered, bewitched, breathless, captivated, confounded, dumbfounded, dumbstruck, enchanted, enraptured, enravished, enthralled, entranced, fascinated, gaping, gauping, gazing, hypnotized, in awe, in awe of, lost in wonder, marveling, mesmerized, open-eyed, openmouthed, overwhelmed, popeyed, puzzled, rapt in wonder, spellbound, staggered, staring, stupefied, surprised, thunderstruck, under a charm, wide-eyed, wondering, wonder-struck |