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Meaning of AMOUNT

Pronunciation:  u'mawnt

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  how much there is of something that you can measure
  2. [n]  how much of something is available; "an adequate amount of food for four people"
  3. [n]  a quantity obtained by addition
  4. [n]  a quantity of money; "he borrowed a large sum"; "the amount he had in cash was insufficient"
  5. [v]  develop into; "This idea will never amount to anything"; "nothing came of his grandiose plans"
  6. [v]  add up in number or quantity; "The bills amounted to $2,000"; "The bill came to $2,000"
  7. [v]  be tantamount or equivalent to; "Her action amounted to a rebellion"

AMOUNT is a 6 letter word that starts with A.


 Synonyms: add up, amount of money, come, measure, number, quantity, quantum, sum, sum, sum of money, total, total
 See Also: abstraction, advance, aggregate, assets, average, average out, be, become, cash advance, chance, contribution, cordage, decrease, decrement, deductible, defalcation, deficiency, definite quantity, economic value, figure, figure, fundamental measure, fundamental quantity, gain, inadequacy, increase, increment, indefinite quantity, insufficiency, interval, linear measure, long measure, loss, magnetisation, magnetization, magnitude, make, number, octane number, octane rating, outnumber, payroll, paysheet, period of play, play, playing period, polynomial, probability, proof, purse, quantity, quantity, relative quantity, system of measurement, time interval, time unit, turn, unit of time, value, volume, work out



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \A*mount"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Amounted}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Amounting}.] [OF. amonter to increase, advance, ascend,
    fr. amont (equiv. to L. ad montem to the mountain) upward, F.
    amont up the river. See {Mount}, n.]
    1. To go up; to ascend. [Obs.]
             So up he rose, and thence amounted straight.
    2. To rise or reach by an accumulation of particular sums or
       quantities; to come (to) in the aggregate or whole; --
       with to or unto.
    3. To rise, reach, or extend in effect, substance, or
       influence; to be equivalent; to come practically (to); as,
       the testimony amounts to very little.
  2. \A*mount"\, v. t.
    To signify; to amount to. [Obs.]
  3. \A*mount"\, n.
    1. The sum total of two or more sums or quantities; the
       aggregate; the whole quantity; a totality; as, the amount
       of 7 and 9 is 16; the amount of a bill; the amount of this
       year's revenue.
    2. The effect, substance, value, significance, or result; the
       sum; as, the amount of the testimony is this.
             The whole amount of that enormous fame. --Pope.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: account, add up, add up to, aggregate, amount to, amplitude, approach, batch, become, body, box score, budget, bulk, bunch, burden, caliber, cast, charge, chunk, clutch, come, come up to, compass, comprehend, comprise, core, correspond to, cost, count, cut, damage, deal, degree, difference, dose, embody, entirety, equal, expanse, expenditure, expense, extent, figure, force, gob, grade, grand total, gross amount, group, heap, height, hint, hunk, imply, include, incorporate, interval, intimate, large amount, leap, level, lot, magnitude, mark, mass, match, matter, measure, measurement, mess, notch, nuance, number, numbers, pack, parcel, part, partake of, pas, peg, period, pitch, plane, plateau, point, portion, price, price tag, product, proportion, purport, quantity, quantum, range, rate, ratio, ration, reach, reckoning, remove, rival, round, run into, rung, scale, scope, score, sense, shade, shadow, short, small amount, space, stair, standard, step, stint, strength, substance, subsume, suggest, sum, sum and substance, sum total, summation, supply, tab, tale, tally, the amount, the bottom line, the story, the whole story, thrust, total, touch, tread, upshot, volume, whole, whole amount, x number