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Meaning of FOGGY

Pronunciation:  'fâgee

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  obscured by fog; "he could barely see through the fogged window"
  2. [adj]  filled or abounding with fog or mist; "a brumous October morning"
  3. [adj]  indistinct or hazy in outline; "a landscape of blurred outlines"; "the trees were just blurry shapes"
  4. [adj]  stunned or confused and slow to react (as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion)
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 Synonyms: bleary, blurred, blurry, brumous, cloudy, dazed, fogged, fuzzy, groggy, hazy, indistinct, lethargic, logy, misty, muzzy, opaque, stuporous, unergetic



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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Fog"gy\, a. [Compar. {Foggier}; superl. {Foggiest}.]
[From 4th {Fog}.]
1. Filled or abounding with fog, or watery exhalations;
   misty; as, a foggy atmosphere; a foggy morning. --Shak.
2. Beclouded; dull; obscure; as, foggy ideas.
         Your coarse, foggy, drowsy conceit.   --Hayward.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: addlebrained, addled, addleheaded, addlepated, aleatoric, aleatory, amorphous, beclouded, befuddled, blear, bleared, blear-witted, bleary, blind, blobby, blurred, blurry, broad, chance, chancy, chaotic, clear as mud, cloudy, confused, dark, dim, disordered, dizzy, faint, feeble, filmy, fogged, fuddlebrained, fuddled, fuzzy, general, half-seen, half-visible, hazy, hit-or-miss, ill-defined, imprecise, in a fog, in a muddle, inaccurate, inchoate, incoherent, inconspicuous, indecisive, indefinable, indefinite, indeterminable, indeterminate, indistinct, indistinguishable, inexact, lax, loose, low-profile, merely glimpsed, misted, misty, muddled, muddleheaded, muddy, muddybrained, murky, mushy, muzzy, nebulous, nonspecific, obscure, opaque, orderless, out of focus, pale, pea-soupy, puzzleheaded, random, scramblebrained, semivisible, shadowed forth, shadowy, shapeless, smoggy, soupy, stochastic, sweeping, transcendent, uncertain, unclear, undefined, undestined, undetermined, unplain, unrecognizable, unspecified, vague, vaporous, vapory, veiled, weak