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Meaning of DULLNESS

Pronunciation:  d'ulnus

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  without sharpness of edge or point
  2. [n]  a lack of visual brightness
  3. [n]  the quality of lacking interestingness
  4. [n]  the quality of being slow to understand
 Synonyms: bluntness, dulness, dulness, obtuseness
 Antonyms: asperity, brightness, keenness, sharpness
 See Also: boringness, configuration, conformation, contour, dimness, dreariness, flatness, form, jejuneness, jejunity, lusterlessness, lustrelessness, mat, matt, matte, obtuseness, oscitance, oscitancy, shape, stupidity, subduedness, tameness, tediousness, tedium, tiresomeness, uninterestingness, vapidity, vapidness, visual property



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Dull"ness\, n.
The state of being dull; slowness; stupidity; heaviness;
drowsiness; bluntness; obtuseness; dimness; want of luster;
want of vividness, or of brightness. [Written also
      And gentle dullness ever loves a joke.   --Pope.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abruptness, absence of color, acedia, achromaticity, achromatism, adynamia, aloofness, analgesia, anemia, anesthesia, angst, anguish, anxiety, apathy, aridity, aridness, ashiness, asininity, ataraxia, ataraxy, atony, autism, barrenness, benumbedness, blah, blah feeling, blahs, blockishness, bloodlessness, bluffness, bluntness, boobishness, boorishness, boredom, boringness, bovinity, cachexia, cachexy, cadaverousness, callousness, canescence, catatonia, cheerlessness, chill, chilliness, chloranemia, cloddishness, cold blood, cold heart, coldness, colorlessness, coma, comatoseness, commonness, commonplaceness, coolness, cowardice, crassness, crudeness, deadness, deadpan, dearth of ideas, deathly hue, deathly pallor, debilitation, debility, denseness, density, detachment, dimness, dim-wittedness, discomfort, discomposure, discontent, disinterest, dislike, dispassion, dispassionateness, displeasure, disquiet, dissatisfaction, doltishness, drabness, dread, drowsiness, dryness, dullardism, dull-wittedness, dumbness, duncery, easy temper, electronarcosis, emotional deadness, emotionlessness, emptiness, enervation, ennui, etiolation, even temper, existential woe, exsanguination, fadedness, faintness, fairishness, fairness, fatigue, feebleness, flabbiness, flaccidity, flatness, frigidity, frostiness, ghastliness, glaucescence, glaucousness, good temper, gray, grayishness, grayness, grimness, grossness, haggardness, heartlessness, heaviness, hebetude, hopelessness, huelessness, humdrumminess, humdrumness, hypochromia, hypochromic anemia, iciness, immovability, impassibility, impassiveness, impassivity, imperception, imperceptiveness, imperceptivity, impercipience, imperturbability, imperturbableness, impotence, inanimation, inappetence, inconsiderateness, indifference, inexcitability, inexcitableness, infecundity, infertility, inirritability, inquietude, insensibility, insensibleness, insensitiveness, insensitivity, insentience, insipidness, insouciance, irksomeness, jadedness, joylessness, lack of affect, lack of appetite, lack of bite, lack of feeling, lack of pleasure, lack of touch, lackadaisicalness, lackluster, languidness, languishment, languor, languorousness, lassitude, leadenness, lenitude, lentor, lethargicalness, lethargy, lifelessness, lightness, listlessness, lividity, lividness, long-windedness, loutishness, lumpishness, malaise, matter-of-factness, mediocreness, mediocrity, middlingness, moderateness, modestness, modesty, monotonousness, mousiness, muddiness, muffled tone, mutedness, narcosis, narcotization, nausea, neutral tint, ninnyism, nonchalance, nongratification, nonsatisfaction, numbness, oafdom, oafishness, objectivity, obtundity, obtuseness, opacity, oscitancy, painfulness, paleness, pallidity, pallidness, pallor, passableness, passionlessness, passiveness, passivity, pastiness, patience, phlegm, phlegmaticalness, phlegmaticness, pins and needles, plainness, plucklessness, poker face, prison pallor, prolixity, prosaicism, prosaicness, prosaism, prosiness, prostration, resignation, resignedness, respectability, sallowness, satedness, savorlessness, self-absorption, sickliness, sickly hue, silveriness, simpletonianism, slatiness, sleep, sleepiness, sloth, slothfulness, slowness, sluggishness, slumber, smokiness, smooth temper, soberness, softness, somberness, somnolence, sopor, soporifousness, sottishness, soullessness, spiritlessness, spleen, spunklessness, staidness, staleness, steadiness, stoicism, stolidity, straight face, strengthlessness, stuffiness, stupefaction, stupidity, stupor, supineness, tastelessness, tediousness, tedium, thick skin, thick-headedness, thick-wittedness, tiresomeness, tolerableness, tonelessness, toothlessness, torpidity, torpidness, torpitude, torpor, uncomfortableness, unconcern, uncreativeness, unease, uneasiness, unembellishedness, unemotionalism, unexcitability, unfancifulness, unfeeling, unfeelingness, unhappiness, unidealism, unimaginativeness, unimpressibility, unimpressionableness, unirritableness, unnervousness, unoriginality, unpassionateness, unperceptiveness, unpleasure, unpoeticalness, unresponsiveness, unromanticism, unsatisfaction, unsharpness, unsusceptibility, unsympatheticness, unteachability, untouchability, vapidity, veiled voice, vexation of spirit, voce velata, wanness, weakliness, weakness, wearifulness, weariness, wearisomeness, withdrawal, withdrawnness, world-weariness, wrongheadedness, yokelism