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Meaning of CONTOUR

Pronunciation:  'kântûr

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  any spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline); "he could barely make out their shapes through the smoke"
  2. [n]  a line drawn on a map connecting points of equal height
  3. [v]  form the contours of
 Synonyms: configuration, conformation, contour line, form, shape
 See Also: angularity, bluntness, concaveness, concavity, convexity, convexness, crookedness, curvature, curve, delineate, dullness, dulness, keenness, limn, line, lobularity, narrowing, outline, roundness, sharpness, spatial property, spatiality, straightness, stratification, streamline, thalweg, topography



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Con*tour"\, n. [F. contour, fr. contourner to mark the
outlines; con- + tourner to turn. See {Turn}.]
1. The outline of a figure or body, or the line or lines
   representing such an outline; the line that bounds;
         Titian's coloring and contours.       --A. Drummond.
2. (Mil.) The outline of a horizontal section of the ground,
   or of works of fortification.
{Contour feathers} (Zo["o]l.), those feathers that form the
   general covering of a bird.
{Contour of ground} (Surv.), the outline of the surface of
   ground with respect to its undulation, etc.
{Contour line} (Topographical Suv.), the line in which a
   horizontal plane intersects a portion of ground, or the
   corresponding line in a map or chart.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: broad lines, configuration, delineate, delineation, features, figuration, figure, framework, galbe, gestalt, limn, line, lineaments, lineation, lines, main features, outline, profile, relief, shapes, silhouette, skeleton, tournure