Meaning of LINES
Products Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Lines Architect and educator John Hejduk has devoted his life work to creating worlds, not only in his analytic architecture but in his mission to change the structure of architectural education. Hejduk has always accompanied all facets of his work with a haunting poetic narrative. He conceives for his projects a literary counterpoint or dramatic verbal discourse. In his books, he weaves together text and textured drawings, and he has conceived of his works as a cinematic repertory group of structures. The 73 poems in Lines are a construction by an architect who seeks out the complex relationships of mother and son, of angels and their mysterious flights, of mental landscapes on the earth and in the sea; it is an entire book of idiosyncratic prayer, sustaining an almost unbearable tone of directness and suffering. These powerful religious poems offer strange combinations, where Jesus, Rodin, and Braque may coexist. Hejduk details the agony of consciousness itself in wild and concentrated stanzas, offering a kind of major mass for those who understand and have the power to voice affliction and the drive to transcend it in sacred music, bringing forth a new understanding of what it means to be human within the earthly substance and the celestial air. This book of courage and despair crowns Hejduk`s life work. more details ... |
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Easton Bible Dictionary |
| Definition: | | were used for measuring and dividing land; and hence the word came to denote a portion or inheritance measured out; a possession (Ps. 16:6). |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | actor, air, algorithm, antagonist, antihero, approach, attack, back band, backstrap, barrack, barracks, bearing, bearing rein, bellyband, bit, bit part, bivouac, blinders, blinds, book, breeching, bridle, brow, camp, campground, campsite, cantonment, caparison, carriage, casern, cast, cast of countenance, cavesson, character, checkrein, cheekpiece, chinband, cinch, collar, color, complexion, concentration camp, configuration, continuity, contour, countenance, course, crownband, crupper, cue, curb, delineation, demeanor, detention camp, encampment, face, facial appearance, fashion, fat part, favor, feature, features, feeder, figuration, figure, form, framework, gag swivel, garb, genre, gestalt, girth, guise, hackamore, halter, hames, hametugs, harness, headgear, headstall, heavy, hero, heroine, hip straps, hobo jungle, ingenue, jaquima, jerk line, Konzentrationslager, Lager, lead, lead role, leading lady, leading man, leading woman, libretto, line, line of action, lineaments, looks, main features, manner, manner of working, martingale, means, method, methodology, mien, MO, mode, mode of operation, mode of procedure, modus operandi, movement, noseband, order, outline, part, pencil, person, personage, physiognomy, piece, playbook, pole strap, port, posture, practice, presence, procedure, proceeding, process, profile, protagonist, reins, relief, ribbons, role, routine, saddle, scenario, scene plot, school, score, script, shaft tug, shapes, shooting script, side, side check, silhouette, skeleton, snaffle, soubrette, stance, straight part, style, supporting character, supporting role, surcingle, system, tack, tackle, technique, text, the drill, the grand style, the how, the way of, title role, tone, tournure, traits, trappings, tug, turn, villain, visage, walking part, walk-on, way, winker braces, wise, yoke |