Meaning of BEARING
Pronunciation: | | 'behring
WordNet Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
- [n] a rotating support placed between moving parts to allow them to move easily
- [n] heraldry consisting of a design or image depicted on a shield
- [n] dignified manner or conduct
- [n] characteristic way of bearing one's body; "stood with good posture"
- [n] the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies
- [n] relevant relation or interconnection; "those issues have no bearing on our situation"
- [adj] (combining form) producing or yielding; "an interest-bearing note"; "fruit-bearing trees"
| Websites: | | |
| Synonyms: | | aim, armorial bearing, carriage, charge, comportment, heading, heraldic bearing, mien, posture, presence, productive |
| See Also: | | annulet, awkwardness, ball bearing, bodily property, chevron, clumsiness, dignity, direction, fifth wheel, fleur-de-lis, fleur-de-lys, gracefulness, gravitas, heraldry, journal bearing, lordliness, manner, manner of walking, needle bearing, ordinary, personal manner, relatedness, roller bearing, rotating mechanism, roundel, slouch, support, tack, thrust bearing, walk, way | |
Webster's 1913 Dictionary |
| Definition: | | \Bear"ing\, n.
1. The manner in which one bears or conducts one's self;
mien; behavior; carriage.
I know him by his bearing. --Shak.
2. Patient endurance; suffering without complaint.
3. The situation of one object, with respect to another, such
situation being supposed to have a connection with the
object, or influence upon it, or to be influenced by it;
hence, relation; connection.
But of this frame, the bearings and the ties, The
strong connections, nice dependencies. --Pope.
4. Purport; meaning; intended significance; aspect.
5. The act, power, or time of producing or giving birth; as,
a tree in full bearing; a tree past bearing.
[His mother] in travail of his bearing. --R. of
6. (Arch.)
(a) That part of any member of a building which rests upon
its supports; as, a lintel or beam may have four
inches of bearing upon the wall.
(b) The portion of a support on which anything rests.
(c) Improperly, the unsupported span; as, the beam has
twenty feet of bearing between its supports.
7. (Mach.)
(a) The part of an axle or shaft in contact with its
support, collar, or boxing; the journal.
(b) The part of the support on which a journal rests and
8. (Her.) Any single emblem or charge in an escutcheon or
coat of arms -- commonly in the pl.
A carriage covered with armorial bearings.
9. (Naut.)
(a) The situation of a distant object, with regard to a
ship's position, as on the bow, on the lee quarter,
etc.; the direction or point of the compass in which
an object is seen; as, the bearing of the cape was W.
N. W.
(b) pl. The widest part of a vessel below the plank-sheer.
(c) pl. The line of flotation of a vessel when properly
trimmed with cargo or ballast.
{Ball bearings}. See under {Ball}.
{To bring one to his bearings}, to bring one to his senses.
{To lose one's bearings}, to become bewildered.
{To take bearings}, to ascertain by the compass the position
of an object; to ascertain the relation of one object or
place to another; to ascertain one's position by reference
to landmarks or to the compass; hence (Fig.), to ascertain
the condition of things when one is in trouble or
Syn: Deportment; gesture; mien; behavior; manner; carriage;
demeanor; port; conduct; direction; relation; tendency;
Glossary |
| Definition: | | in mapping or navigation, a compass direction, or horizontal angle of sight measured in magnetic degrees. |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | action, actions, activity, acts, address, affectation, affective meaning, aftermath, aim, air, air express, airfreight, airlift, applicability, application, appositeness, aspect, asportation, attitude, axis, azimuth, backing, ball bearing, bearings, beck, beckon, behavior, behavior pattern, behavioral norm, behavioral science, bent, bevel bearing, birthing, body language, bolstering, boost, born, bracing, brow, bump, bumper crop, bunt, burdened, bushing, butt, buttressing, calved, carriage, carry, carrying, cartage, cast, cast of countenance, celestial navigation, charade, chassis, childbearing, childbirth, chironomy, color, coloring, complexion, comportment, concern, concernment, conduct, connection, connotation, consequence, conveyance, correlation, countenance, course, crop, culture pattern, current, custom, dactylology, dead reckoning, deaf-and-dumb alphabet, delivery, demeanor, denotation, deportment, dig, direction, direction line, display, doing, doings, drayage, drift, dropped, dumb show, effect, endurance, enduring, essence, exposure, expressage, extension, face, facial appearance, favor, feature, features, ferriage, fix, foaled, folkway, force, frame, freight, freightage, front, frontage, fructiferous, fructification, fruit, fruitbearing, fruiting, fruition, fulcrum, garb, germaneness, gesticulation, gesture, gesture language, gestures, gist, given birth, giving birth, glacial movement, goings-on, grammatical meaning, guise, hand signal, harvest, hatched, haulage, hauling, head, heading, headstock, helmsmanship, holding, hustle, idea, impact, implication, import, inclination, infrastructure, intension, interest, jab, jewel, jog, joggle, jolt, jostle, kinesics, lay, lexical meaning, lie, lighterage, line, line of direction, line of march, line of position, lineaments, lines, literal meaning, look, looks, lugging, main current, mainstream, maintaining, maintien, make, manner, manners, materiality, meaning, method, methodology, methods, mien, modus vivendi, motion, motions, mount, mounting, movement, movements, moves, navigation, nee, needle bearing, newborn, nudge, oarlock, observable behavior, orientation, output, overtone, packing, pantomime, parturition, pattern, pertinence, physiognomy, pilotage, piloting, pith, pivot, point, poise, poke, port, portage, porterage, pose, position, position line, posture, practical consequence, practice, praxis, presence, press, pressure, procedure, proceeding, proceeds, prod, produce, producing, product, production, propping, punch, purport, push, quarter, radio bearing, railway express, range, range of meaning, real meaning, reference, referent, regard, relatedness, relation, relationship, relevance, respect, rest, resting point, roller bearing, rowlock, run, scope, second crop, semantic cluster, semantic field, sense, set, setting, shipment, shipping, shoring, shove, shrug, sign language, significance, signification, significatum, signifie, skeleton, social science, span of meaning, spirit, stance, stand, steerage, steering, stillborn, stream, stress, structural meaning, style, substance, sum, sum and substance, supporting, supportive, suspensory, sustaining, sustentative, swing, symbolic meaning, tactics, telpherage, tendency, tenor, the general tendency, the main course, thole, tholepin, thrust, thrust bearing, time spirit, tone, totality of associations, toting, track, traits, transferred meaning, transport, transportation, transshipment, trend, truckage, turn, unadorned meaning, underframe, undertone, upholding, value, vintage, visage, waft, waftage, wagonage, way, way of life, ways, whelped, yield, yielding, Zeitgeist |