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Meaning of FIG

Pronunciation:  fig

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a diagram or picture illustrating textual material; "the area covered can be seen from Figure 2"
  2. [n]  fleshy sweet pear-shaped yellowish or purple multiple fruit eaten fresh or preserved or dried
  3. [n]  Mediterranean tree widely cultivated for its edible fruit
 Synonyms: common fig, common fig tree, Ficus carica, figure
 See Also: caprifig, common fig, common fig tree, edible fruit, Ficus carica, Ficus carica sylvestris, fig, fig, fig tree, illustration, syconium



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Fig\, n. [F. figue the fruit of the tree, Pr. figa, fr. L.
    ficus fig tree, fig. Cf. {Fico}.]
    1. (Bot.) A small fruit tree ({Ficus Carica}) with large
       leaves, known from the remotest antiquity. It was probably
       native from Syria westward to the Canary Islands.
    2. The fruit of a fig tree, which is of round or oblong
       shape, and of various colors.
    Note: The fruit of a fig tree is really the hollow end of a
          stem, and bears numerous achenia inside the cavity.
          Many species have little, hard, inedible figs, and in
          only a few does the fruit become soft and pulpy. The
          fruit of the cultivated varieties is much prized in its
          fresh state, and also when dried or preserved. See
    3. A small piece of tobacco. [U.S.]
    4. The value of a fig, practically nothing; a fico; -- used
       in scorn or contempt. ``A fig for Peter.'' --Shak.
    {Cochineal fig}. See {Conchineal fig}.
    {Fig dust}, a preparation of fine oatmeal for feeding caged
    {Fig faun}, one of a class of rural deities or monsters
       supposed to live on figs. ``Therefore shall dragons dwell
       there with the fig fauns.'' --Jer. i. 39. (Douay version).
    {Fig gnat} (Zo["o]l.), a small fly said to be injurious to
    {Fig leaf}, the leaf tree; hence, in allusion to the first
       clothing of Adam and Eve (Genesis iii.7), a covering for a
       thing that ought to be concealed; esp., an inadequate
       covering; a symbol for affected modesty.
    {Fig marigold} (Bot.), the name of several plants of the
       genus {Mesembryanthemum}, some of which are prized for the
       brilliancy and beauty of their flowers.
    {Fig tree} (Bot.), any tree of the genus {Ficus}, but
       especially {F. Carica} which produces the fig of commerce.
  2. \Fig\, v. t. [See {Fico}, {Fig}, n.]
    1. To insult with a fico, or contemptuous motion. See {Fico}.
             When Pistol lies, do this, and fig me like The
             bragging Spaniard.                    --Shak.
    2. To put into the head of, as something useless o?
       contemptible. [Obs.] --L'Estrange.
  3. \Fig\, n.
    Figure; dress; array. [Colloq.]
          Were they all in full fig, the females with feathers on
          their heads, the males with chapeaux bras? --Prof.
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing figs in your dream means a turn for the positive. Dreaming that you are Seeing or eating figs means a favorable turn in health. Seeing them growing, symbolizes profit and wealth. Figs are also often associated with sex and eroticism.
Easton Bible Dictionary

First mentioned in Gen. 3:7. The fig-tree is mentioned (Deut. 8:8) as one of the valuable products of Palestine. It was a sign of peace and prosperity (1 Kings 4:25; Micah 4:4; Zech. 3:10). Figs were used medicinally (2 Kings 20:7), and pressed together and formed into "cakes" as articles of diet (1 Sam. 30:12; Jer. 24:2).

Our Lord's cursing the fig-tree near Bethany (Mark 11:13) has occasioned much perplexity from the circumstance, as mentioned by the evangelist, that "the time of figs was not yet." The explanation of the words, however, lies in the simple fact that the fruit of the fig-tree appears before the leaves, and hence that if the tree produced leaves it ought also to have had fruit. It ought to have had fruit if it had been true to its "pretensions," in showing its leaves at this particular season. "This tree, so to speak, vaunted itself to be in advance of all the other trees, challenged the passer-by that he should come and refresh himself with its fruit. Yet when the Lord accepted its challenge and drew near, it proved to be but as the others, without fruit as they; for indeed, as the evangelist observes, the time of figs had not yet arrived. Its fault, if one may use the word, lay in its pretensions, in its making a show to run before the rest when it did not so indeed" (Trench, Miracles).

The fig-tree of Palestine (Ficus carica) produces two and sometimes three crops of figs in a year, (1) the bikkurah, or "early-ripe fig" (Micah 7:1; Isa. 28:4; Hos. 9:10, R.V.), which is ripe about the end of June, dropping off as soon as it is ripe (Nah. 3:12); (2) the kermus, or "summer fig," then begins to be formed, and is ripe about August; and (3) the pag (plural "green figs," Cant. 2:13; Gr. olynthos, Rev. 6:13, "the untimely fig"), or "winter fig," which ripens in sheltered spots in spring.

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: a continental, a curse, a damn, a darn, a hoot, apparel, array, attire, bagatelle, bauble, bean, bedizenment, bibelot, bit, brass farthing, button, cent, clothes, clothing, costume, curio, drapery, dress, dressing, duds, farce, farthing, fashion, fatigues, feather, feathers, fleabite, folderol, fribble, frippery, garb, garments, gaud, gear, gewgaw, gimcrack, guise, habiliment, habit, hair, halfpenny, hill of beans, investiture, investment, jest, joke, kickshaw, knickknack, knickknackery, linen, minikin, mockery, molehill, peppercorn, picayune, pin, pinch of snuff, pinprick, rags, raiment, rap, red cent, robes, row of pins, rush, shit, snap, sneeshing, sou, sportswear, straw, style, threads, togs, toilette, toy, trifle, trim, trinket, triviality, tuppence, two cents, twopence, vestment, vesture, wear, wearing apparel, whim-wham