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Meaning of TRINKET

Pronunciation:  'tringkit

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  cheap showy jewelry or ornament or clothing
  2. [n]  a inexpensive showy collectibles
 Synonyms: bangle, bauble, chachka, fallal, gaud, gewgaw, novelty, tchotchke
 See Also: collectable, collectible, stuff, sundries, sundry, whatchamacallit, whatsis



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Trin"ket\, n. [F. trinquet foremast, also, a certain
    sail, trinquette a triangular sail, or Sp. trinquete
    triangular.] (Naut.)
    A three-cornered sail formerly carried on a ship's foremast,
    probably on a lateen yard.
          Sailing always with the sheets of mainsail and trinket
          warily in our hands.                     --Hakluyt.
  2. \Trin"ket\, n. [OE. trenket a sort of knife, hence,
    probably, a toy knife worn as an ornament; probably from an
    Old French dialectic form of trenchier to cut. Cf. {Trench},
    v. t.]
    1. A knife; a cutting tool. --Tusser.
    2. A small ornament, as a jewel, ring, or the like.
    3. A thing of little value; a trifle; a toy.
  3. \Trin"ket\, v. i.
    To give trinkets; hence, to court favor; to intrigue. [Obs.]