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Meaning of MOLEHILL

Pronunciation:  'mowl`hil

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a mound of earth made by moles while burrowing
 See Also: hammock, hillock, hummock, knoll, mound



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Mole"hill`\, n.
A little hillock of earth thrown up by moles working under
ground; hence, a very small hill, or an insignificant
obstacle or difficulty.
      Having leapt over such mountains, lie down before a
      molehill.                                --South.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: a continental, a curse, a damn, a darn, a hoot, anthill, bagatelle, bank, barrow, bauble, bean, bibelot, bit, brae, brass farthing, butte, button, cent, cock, curio, down, drift, drumlin, dune, embankment, farce, farthing, feather, fell, fig, fleabite, folderol, foothills, fribble, frippery, gaud, gewgaw, gimcrack, hair, halfpenny, haycock, haymow, hayrick, haystack, heap, hill, hill of beans, hillock, hummock, jest, joke, kickshaw, knickknack, knickknackery, knob, knoll, minikin, mockery, monticle, monticule, moor, mound, mow, peppercorn, picayune, pile, pin, pinch of snuff, pinprick, pyramid, rap, red cent, rick, row of pins, rush, sand dune, shit, snap, sneeshing, snowdrift, sou, stack, straw, swell, toy, trifle, trinket, triviality, tuppence, two cents, twopence, whim-wham