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Pronunciation:  `insig'nifukunt

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  not large enough to consider or notice
  2. [adj]  not worthy of notice
  3. [adj]  of little importance or influence or power; of minor status; "a minor, insignificant bureaucrat"; "peanut politicians"
  4. [adj]  signifying nothing; "insignificant sounds"; "his response...is picayune and unmeaning"- R.B. Pearsall
  5. [adj]  not important or noteworthy
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 Synonyms: hole-and-corner, hole-in-corner, inappreciable, inconsiderable, light, meaningless, minor, peanut, superficial, trivial, undistinguished, unimportant, unmeaning, unnoticeable
 Antonyms: important, significant



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\In`sig*nif"i*cant\, a.
1. Not significant; void of signification, sense, or import;
   meaningless; as, insignificant words.
2. Having no weight or effect; answering no purpose;
   unimportant; valueless; futile.
         Laws must be insignificant without the sanction of
         rewards and punishments.              --Bp. Wilkins.
3. Without weight of character or social standing; mean;
   contemptible; as, an insignificant person.
Syn: Unimportant; immaterial; inconsiderable; small;
     inferior; trivial; mean; contemptible.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: aimless, back-burner, casual, cursory, depthless, designless, dinky, dispensable, empty, few, footling, garbled, immaterial, importless, inane, inappreciable, inconsequential, inconsiderable, inessential, inferior, insubstantial, irrelevant, lesser, light, little, low, meager, meaningless, miniature, minor, minute, negligible, niggling, no great shakes, nonconnotative, nondenotative, nonessential, not vital, nugatory, null, paltry, petit, petty, phatic, picayune, picayunish, piddling, pointless, puny, purportless, purposeless, scrambled, secondary, senseless, shallow, shoestring, short, skin-deep, small, small-beer, small-fry, small-time, superficial, technical, tiny, trifling, trivial, unessential, unimportant, unimpressive, unmeaning, unnoteworthy, unsignificant, unsubstantial