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Pronunciation:  'difu`kultee

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  an effort that is inconvenient; "I went to a lot of trouble"; "he won without any trouble"; "had difficulty walking"; "finished the test only with great difficulty"
  2. [n]  the quality of being difficult; "they agreed about the difficulty of the climb"
  3. [n]  a factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result; "serious difficulties were encountered in obtaining a pure reagent"
  4. [n]  a condition or state of affairs almost beyond one's ability to deal with and requiring great effort to bear or overcome; "grappling with financial difficulties"
 Synonyms: difficultness, trouble
 Antonyms: ease, easiness, simplicity
 See Also: asperity, balk, baulk, bitch, burdensomeness, check, cognitive factor, condition, deterrent, effort, effortfulness, elbow grease, exertion, facer, fix, formidability, grimness, handicap, hard time, hardness, hardship, hindrance, hole, impediment, inconvenience, jam, job, kettle of fish, killer, mess, muddle, niceness, onerousness, oppressiveness, pickle, pinch, pisser, pitfall, plight, predicament, problem, problem, quality, quandary, rattrap, rigor, rigorousness, rigour, severity, situation, snorter, status, strain, stress, subtlety, sweat, toughness, travail, trouble, troublesomeness, urinary hesitancy, wall, worriment



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Dif"fi*cul*ty\, n.; pl. {Difficulties}. [L.
difficultas, fr. difficilis difficult; dif- = dis- + facilis
easy: cf. F. difficult['e]. See {Facile}.]
1. The state of being difficult, or hard to do; hardness;
   arduousness; -- opposed to {easiness} or {facility}; as,
   the difficulty of a task or enterprise; a work of
         Not being able to promote them [the interests of
         life] on account of the difficulty of the region.
                                               --James Byrne.
2. Something difficult; a thing hard to do or to understand;
   that which occasions labor or perplexity, and requires
   skill and perseverance to overcome, solve, or achieve; a
   hard enterprise; an obstacle; an impediment; as, the
   difficulties of a science; difficulties in theology.
         They lie under some difficulties by reason of the
         emperor's displeasure.                --Addison.
3. A controversy; a falling out; a disagreement; an
   objection; a cavil.
         Measures for terminating all local difficulties.
4. Embarrassment of affairs, especially financial affairs; --
   usually in the plural; as, to be in difficulties.
         In days of difficulty and pressure.   --Tennyson.
Syn: Impediment; obstacle; obstruction; embarrassment;
     perplexity; exigency; distress; trouble; trial;
     objection; cavil. See {Impediment}.
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you are having difficulties means temporary embarrassment and the threat of ill health. Dreaming that you are having difficulties with your lover indicates the contrary and that you will have a pleasant courtship.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abstruseness, adverse circumstances, adversity, affliction, aggravation, agreement to disagree, altercation, annoyance, arduousness, asperity, bad news, bedevilment, beef, bickering, blight, block, blockade, bore, bother, botheration, bothersomeness, bottleneck, bummer, burden, burthen, care, cargo, catch, challenge, charge, complexity, complication, controversy, cordon, crabbedness, crampedness, crashing bore, cross, cross-purposes, cumbrance, curse, curtain, deadweight, deepness, demurral, demurrer, determent, deterrent, devilment, difference, difference of opinion, difficulties, dilemma, disadvantage, disagreement, disparity, dispute, distress, dividedness, division, dogging, downer, drag, drawback, embarrassment, emergency, encumbrance, esoterica, exasperation, exigency, falling-out, fight, fix, formidableness, freight, Gordian knot, hamper, handicap, hang-up, harassment, hard knocks, hard life, hard lot, hardcase, hardness, hardship, harrying, hassle, hazard, headache, heavy sledding, hindrance, hitch, hot water, hounding, hurdle, impediment, impedimenta, imposition, inconvenience, intricacy, irritation, jam, joker, knottiness, laboriousness, load, lumber, mess, misunderstanding, molestation, nuisance, objection, obstacle, obstruction, obstructive, odds, one small difficulty, onus, pack, painfulness, pass, penalty, persecution, pest, pickle, pinch, pitfall, plight, polarization, predicament, pressure, problem, profoundness, profundity, protest, quandary, question, reconditeness, remonstrance, remonstration, rigor, rub, scrape, sea of troubles, snag, squabble, strain, strait, straits, stress, stress of life, stumbling block, stumbling stone, trial, tribulation, trouble, troubles, vale of tears, variance, vexation, vexatiousness, vicissitude, vigor, weight, white elephant, worriment, worry