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Pronunciation:  `disud'vantij

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the quality of having an inferior or less favorable position
  2. [v]  put at a disadvantage; hinder, harm; "This rule clearly disadvantages me"
 Synonyms: disfavor, disfavour
 Antonyms: advantage, advantage, vantage
 See Also: awkwardness, defect, deprivation, discriminate, drawback, hamper, handicap, hinder, inconvenience, inexpedience, inexpediency, inferiority, liability, limitation, loss, nuisance value, penalty, prejudice, restriction, separate, shortcoming, single out, unfavorable position, unfavorableness, unfavourableness, unprofitability, unprofitableness



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Dis`ad*van"tage\ (?; 48, 61), n. [Cf. F.
    1. Deprivation of advantage; unfavorable or prejudicial
       quality, condition, circumstance, or the like; that which
       hinders success, or causes loss or injury.
             I was brought here under the disadvantage of being
             unknown by sight to any of you.       --Burke.
             Abandoned by their great patron, the faction
             henceforward acted at disadvantage.   --Palfrey.
    2. Loss; detriment; hindrance; prejudice to interest, fame,
       credit, profit, or other good.
             They would throw a construction on his conduct, to
             his disadvantage before the public.   --Bancroft.
    Syn: Detriment; injury; hurt; loss; damage.
  2. \Dis`ad*van"tage\, v. t. [Cf. F. d['e]savantager.]
    To injure the interest of; to be detrimental to.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abuse, ado, afflict, aggrieve, annoyance, anxiety, bar, befoul, besetment, bewitch, blight, blocking, bother, burden, burthen, can of worms, cargo, charge, condemn, corrupt, cross, crucify, cumbrance, curse, damage, deadweight, defect, defile, deprave, deprivation, despoil, destroy, detriment, difficulty, disability, disaccommodate, discommode, disoblige, disserve, disservice, distress, do a mischief, do evil, do ill, do wrong, do wrong by, doom, drawback, embarrassment, encumbrance, envenom, evil, fault, flaw, freight, get into trouble, great ado, hamper, handicap, harass, harm, headache, hex, hindrance, hurt, impair, impairment, impediment, impedimenta, impose upon, imposition, incommode, inconvenience, infect, injure, injury, jinx, liability, load, loss, loss of ground, lumber, maltreat, matter, menace, mischief, mistreat, molest, obstacle, obstruction, onus, outrage, pack, peck of troubles, penalty, persecute, play havoc with, play hob with, poison, pollute, prejudice, problem, put out, put to inconvenience, put to trouble, savage, scathe, sea of troubles, shortcoming, step backward, taint, threaten, torment, torture, trouble, violate, weakness, weight, white elephant, worry, wound, wreak havoc on, wrong