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Meaning of INJURE

Pronunciation:  'injur

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  cause injuries or bodily harm to
  2. [v]  cause damage or affect negatively; "Our business was hurt by the new competition"
  3. [v]  hurt the feelings of; "She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests"; "This remark really bruised me ego"
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 Synonyms: bruise, hurt, hurt, offend, spite, wound, wound
 See Also: abase, abrade, affront, arouse, bruise, calk, chagrin, concuss, contuse, damage, disable, elicit, enkindle, evoke, excruciate, fire, graze, handicap, harm, hit, humble, humiliate, hurt, incapacitate, insult, invalid, kindle, knife, lacerate, maim, mortify, overstretch, pip, provoke, pull, raise, rick, run down, run over, saber, sabre, scrape, shock, shoot, skin, sprain, stab, sting, stub, subluxate, torment, torture, trample, traumatise, traumatize, turn, twist, wrench, wrick



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\In"jure\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Injured}; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Injuring}.] [L. injuriari, fr. injuria injury, perh. through
F. injurier to insult, in OF. also, to injure; or perhaps fr.
E. injury, or F. injure injury. See {Injury}.]
To do harm to; to impair the excellence and value of; to
hurt; to damage; -- used in a variety of senses; as:
(a) To hurt or wound, as the person; to impair soundness, as
    of health.
(b) To damage or lessen the value of, as goods or estate.
(c) To slander, tarnish, or impair, as reputation or
(d) To impair or diminish, as happiness or virtue.
(e) To give pain to, as the sensibilities or the feelings; to
    grieve; to annoy.
(f) To impair, as the intellect or mind.
          When have I injured thee? when done thee wrong?
Syn: To damage; mar; spoil; harm; sully; wrong; maltreat;
     abuse; insult; affront; dishonor.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abrade, abuse, afflict, affront, aggravate, aggrieve, bark, batter, befoul, bespatter, bewitch, blemish, blight, bloody, break, bruise, buffet, burn, chafe, check, chip, claw, condemn, constrain, contort, corrupt, crack, craze, cripple, crucify, curse, cut, damage, deface, defile, deform, deprave, despoil, destroy, deteriorate, dilapidate, disable, disadvantage, disfigure, disserve, distort, distress, do a mischief, do evil, do ill, do violence to, do wrong, do wrong by, do wrong to, doom, embitter, endamage, envenom, exacerbate, foul, foul up, fracture, fray, frazzle, fret, gall, gash, get into trouble, grieve, harass, harm, hex, hurt, ill-treat, ill-use, impair, incapacitate, incise, infect, insult, irritate, jinx, knock about, lacerate, louse up, maim, make mincemeat of, make worse, maltreat, mangle, manhandle, mar, maul, menace, mishandle, mistreat, misuse, molest, mutilate, offend, outrage, pain, persecute, pierce, play havoc with, play hob with, poison, pollute, prejudice, puncture, put back, queer, rend, rip, rough, rough up, run, rupture, savage, scald, scathe, scorch, scotch, scrape, scratch, scuff, skin, slash, slight, slit, smirch, spoil, sprain, stab, stick, strain, taint, tarnish, tear, threaten, torment, torture, traumatize, violate, vitiate, weaken, worsen, wound, wreak havoc on, wrench, wrong