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Meaning of MISUSE

Pronunciation:  [n]mis'yoos, [v]mis'yooz, mis'yooz

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  improper or excessive use
  2. [v]  change the inherent purpose or function of something; "Don't abuse the system"; "The director of the factory misused the funds intended for the health care of his workers"
  3. [v]  apply to a wrong thing or person; apply badly or incorrectly; "The words are misapplied in this context"; "You are misapplying the name of this religious group"
 Synonyms: abuse, abuse, misapply, pervert
 See Also: apply, drug abuse, employ, employment, exercise, expend, fracture, habit, substance abuse, take in vain, usage, use, use, use, utilisation, utilise, utilization, utilize



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Mis*use"\, v. t. [F. m['e]suser. See {Mis-}, prefix from
    French, and {Use}.]
    1. To treat or use improperly; to use to a bad purpose; to
       misapply; as, to misuse one's talents. --South.
             The sweet poison of misused wine.     --Milton.
    2. To abuse; to treat ill.
             O, she misused me past the endurance of a block.
    Syn: To maltreat; abuse; misemploy; misapply.
  2. \Mis*use"\, n.
    1. Wrong use; misapplication; erroneous or improper use.
             Words little suspected for any such misuse. --Locke.
    2. Violence, or its effects. [Obs.] --Shak.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abuse, active use, adulterate, adulteration, alloy, appliance, application, barbarism, befoul, befouling, bias, bleed, bleed white, canker, catachresis, cheapen, clerical error, coarsen, color, confound, consumption, contaminate, contamination, convert, corrigendum, corrupt, corruption, debase, debauch, defalcate, defile, defilement, deflower, degenerate, degrade, denature, deprave, desecrate, despoil, devalue, distort, diversion, divert, diverting, do amiss, drain, embezzle, employ, employment, envenoming, erratum, error, exercise, exertion, exploit, failure, false coloring, fault, faute, festering, foul, fouling, garble, good use, hard usage, hard use, human error, ill use, ill-treat, ill-use, impose upon, infect, infection, infelicity, make use of, maladminister, malapropism, maltreat, manipulate, milk, misapplication, misapply, misapprehension, misappropriate, misappropriation, miscalculation, miscall, miscarriage, miscite, misconception, misconduct, misconstruction, misconstrue, miscount, misdeal, misdirect, misdirection, misemploy, misemployment, misfield, mishandle, misidentification, misinterpret, misinterpretation, misjudgment, mismanage, misplay, misprint, misquotation, misquote, misread, misrender, misreport, misrepresent, misrepresentation, miss, misspell, misstatement, mistake, mistreat, mistreatment, misunderstanding, misusage, outrage, peculate, perversion, pervert, pilfer, play on, poison, poisoning, pollute, pollution, presume upon, profane, prostitute, prostitution, ravage, ravish, rough usage, slant, slanting, solecism, strain, straining, stroke, suck dry, suppuration, taint, take advantage of, torture, torturing, twist, typo, typographical error, ulcerate, usage, use, use ill, using up, varnish, violate, vitiate, vitiation, vulgarize, warp, work on, work upon, wrong use