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Meaning of VIOLENCE

Pronunciation:  'vIuluns

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  an act of aggression (as one against a person who resists); "he may accomplish by craft in the long run what he cannot do by force and violence in the short one"
  2. [n]  the property of being wild or turbulent; "the storm's violence"
  3. [n]  a turbulent state resulting in injuries and destruction etc.
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 Synonyms: ferocity, fierceness, force, furiousness, fury, vehemence, wildness
 See Also: aggression, hostility, intensity, intensiveness, public violence, rage, riot, Sturm und Drang, turbulence, upheaval



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Vi"o*lence\, n. [F., fr. L. violentia. See {Violent}.]
    1. The quality or state of being violent; highly excited
       action, whether physical or moral; vehemence; impetuosity;
             That seal You ask with such a violence, the king,
             Mine and your master, with his own hand gave me.
             All the elements At least had gone to wrack,
             disturbed and torn With the violence of this
             conflict.                             --Milton.
    2. Injury done to that which is entitled to respect,
       reverence, or observance; profanation; infringement;
       unjust force; outrage; assault.
             Do violence to do man.                --Luke iii.
             We can not, without offering violence to all
             records, divine and human, deny an universal deluge.
                                                   --T. Burnet.
             Looking down, he saw The whole earth filled with
             violence.                             --Milton.
    3. Ravishment; rape; constupration.
    {To do violence on}, to attack; to murder. ``She . . . did
       violence on herself.'' --Shak.
    {To do violence to}, to outrage; to injure; as, he does
       violence to his own opinions.
    Syn: Vehemence; outrage; fierceness; eagerness; violation;
         infraction; infringement; transgression; oppression.
  2. \Vi"o*lence\, v. t.
    To assault; to injure; also, to bring by violence; to compel.
    [Obs.] --B. Jonson.
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing violence in your dream indicates unexpressed anger or rage. You need more discipline in your life. The dream may also reflect repressed memories of child abuse.