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Meaning of ASSAULT

Pronunciation:  u'solt

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a threatened or attempted physical attack by someone who appears to be able to cause bodily harm if not stopped
  2. [n]  the crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her will
  3. [n]  close fighting during the culmination of a military attack
  4. [n]  thoroughbred that won the triple crown in 1946
  5. [v]  attack verbally, in speech or writing; "The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker"
  6. [v]  attack someone physically or emotionally; "The mugger assaulted the woman"; "Nightmares assailed him regularly"

ASSAULT is a 7 letter word that starts with A.


 Synonyms: assail, assail, attack, attack, lash out, rape, ravishment, round, set on, snipe, violation
 See Also: abuse, aggravated assault, attack, attempt, bait, barrage, battery, battle, beset, blackguard, blister, bulldog, carnal abuse, clapperclaw, claw, conflict, criticise, criticize, date rape, desecrate, dishonor, dishonour, engagement, fight, jump, molest, mugging, onrush, onset, onslaught, outrage, pick apart, profane, rape, ravish, reassail, resisting arrest, rip, rubbish, rush, savage, set, set upon, sexual abuse, sexual assault, shout, sic, statutory rape, storm, thoroughbred, violate, vitriol, whang, whip



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \As*sault"\, n. [OE. asaut, assaut, OF. assaut, asalt,
    F. assaut, LL. assaltus; L. ad + saltus a leaping, a
    springing, salire to leap. See {Assail}.]
    1. A violent onset or attack with physical means, as blows,
       weapons, etc.; an onslaught; the rush or charge of an
       attacking force; onset; as, to make assault upon a man, a
       house, or a town.
             The Spanish general prepared to renew the assault.
             Unshaken bears the assault Of their most dreaded
             foe, the strong southwest.            --Wordsworth.
    2. A violent onset or attack with moral weapons, as words,
       arguments, appeals, and the like; as, to make an assault
       on the prerogatives of a prince, or on the constitution of
       a government. --Clarendon.
    3. (Law) An apparently violent attempt, or willful offer with
       force or violence, to do hurt to another; an attempt or
       offer to beat another, accompanied by a degree of
       violence, but without touching his person, as by lifting
       the fist, or a cane, in a threatening manner, or by
       striking at him, and missing him. If the blow aimed takes
       effect, it is a battery. --Blackstone. Wharton.
             Practically, however, the word assault is used to
             include the battery.                  --Mozley & W.
    Syn: Attack; invasion; incursion; descent; onset; onslaught;
         charge; storm.
  2. \As*sault"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Assaulted}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Assaulting}.] [From {Assault}, n.: cf. OF. assaulter,
    LL. assaltare.]
    1. To make an assault upon, as by a sudden rush of armed men;
       to attack with unlawful or insulting physical violence or
             Insnared, assaulted, overcome, led bound. --Milton.
    2. To attack with moral means, or with a view of producing
       moral effects; to attack by words, arguments, or
       unfriendly measures; to assail; as, to assault a
       reputation or an administration.
             Before the gates, the cries of babes newborn, . . .
             Assault his ears.                     --Dryden.
    Note: In the latter sense, assail is more common.
    Syn: To attack; assail; invade; encounter; storm; charge. See
Legal Dictionary
 Definition: Threat to inflict injury with an apparent ability to do so. Also, any intentional display of force that would give the victim reason to fear or expect immediate bodily harm.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abuse, aggravated assault, aggression, ambush, amphibious attack, armed assault, assail, assailing, assailment, attack, banzai attack, barbarize, batter, battering, battery, bear, bear upon, beat up, beating, berating, beset, bitter words, blackening, blitz, blitzkrieg, boost, breakthrough, bruise, brutalize, buck, bull, bulldoze, bump, bump against, bunt, burn, bushwhack, butcher, butchery, butt, butt against, carry on, censure, charge, citation, come at, come down on, contumely, counterattack, counteroffensive, coup de main, crack down on, cram, crippling attack, crowd, dead set at, descend on, descend upon, descent on, destroy, diatribe, dig, disorderliness, diversion, diversionary attack, drive, elbow, execration, fall on, fall upon, flank attack, force, forcible seizure, frontal attack, gang up on, gas attack, go at, go for, go on, goad, hammer, hard words, harm, harry, have at, head-on attack, hit, hit like lightning, hold-up, hurtle, hustle, implication, impugnment, incrimination, inculpation, incursion, infiltration, invasion, invective, involvement, jab, jam, jawing, jeremiad, jog, joggle, jolt, jostle, jump, killing, land on, lay at, lay hands on, lay into, lay waste, laying waste, light into, lightning attack, lightning war, loot, looting, mass attack, massacre, maul, megadeath, molest, molestation, mug, mugging, nudge, obstreperousness, offense, offensive, onset, onslaught, overkill, panzer warfare, philippic, pile drive, pillage, pillaging, pitch into, poke, pounce upon, pound, press, prod, punch, push, rage, raid, ram, ram down, ramp, rampage, rant, rape, rating, rattle, rave, revilement, riot, rioting, roar, ruin, run, run against, run at, rush, sack, sacking, sail into, sally, savage, screed, set on, set upon, shake, shock tactics, shoulder, shove, slaughter, smite, sortie, sow chaos, sowing with salt, storm, stress, strike, surprise, swoop down on, take the offensive, tamp, tear, tear around, terrorize, thrust, tirade, tongue-lashing, unprovoked assault, unruliness, vandalize, vilification, violate, violation, vituperation, wade into, wreck