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Meaning of HUSTLE

Pronunciation:  'husul

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a rapid bustling commotion
  2. [n]  a swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property
  3. [v]  move or cause to move energetically or busily; "The cheerleaders bustled about excitingly before their performance"
  4. [v]  cause to move furtively and hurriedly; "The secret service agents hustled the speaker out of the amphitheater"
  5. [v]  sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and esp. underhanded activity
 Synonyms: ado, bunco, bunco game, bunko, bunko game, bustle, bustle, bustle about, con, con game, confidence game, confidence trick, flimflam, flurry, fuss, gyp, pluck, roll, sting, stir
 See Also: belt along, bucket along, cannonball along, cheat, commotion, din, displace, hasten, hie, hotfoot, move, pelt along, race, rig, ruckus, ruction, rumpus, rush, rush along, speed, steal, swindle, tumult



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Hus"tle\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Hustled}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Hustling}.] [D. hustelen to shake, fr. husten to shake. Cf.
    To shake together in confusion; to push, jostle, or crowd
    rudely; to handle roughly; as, to hustle a person out of a
    room. --Macaulay.
  2. \Hus"tle\, v. i.
    To push or crows; to force one's way; to move hustily and
    with confusion; a hurry.
          Leaving the king, who had hustled along the floor with
          his dress worfully arrayed.              --Sir W.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accelerate, action, activity, adventuresomeness, adventurousness, aggression, aggressiveness, allemande, ambitiousness, assault, barn dance, bear, bear upon, bearing, belly dance, bob, bobble, bolero, boogaloo, boost, bounce, bourree, boutade, branle, breakdown, buck, buffeting, bull, bulldoze, bump, bump against, bundle, bunny hop, bunt, bustle, butt, butt against, cakewalk, can-can, celerity, cha-cha, Charleston, chase, chatter, chonchina, clog, coerce, conga, cotillion, country dance, courante, cram, crowd, dash, dash off, dash on, didder, dig, dispatch, do double duty, double-time, drive, drive on, dust, dynamism, eject, elbow, elbowing, elucubrate, enterprise, enterprisingness, expedite, expedition, expeditiousness, falter, fan dance, fandango, festinate, flamenco, fling, flurry, flutter, fly, folk dance, force, forcefulness, forge ahead, forward, fox trot, galliard, gavotte, german, get going, get moving, getup, get-up-and-get, get-up-and-go, go, go ahead, go all out, goad, go-ahead, go-getting, go-to-itiveness, gumption, haste, hasten, hasten on, have an ague, head, helter-skelter, hie on, Highland fling, hit the ball, hokey-pokey, hootchy-kootchy, hopak, hornpipe, hotfoot, hula, hula-hula, hurry, hurry along, hurry on, hurry through, hurry up, hurry-scurry, hurtle, hustle up, initiative, interpretative dance, jab, jactitate, jam, jar, jarring, jig, jog, joggle, jolt, jostle, jostling, jounce, jump, kola, Lambeth Walk, lancers, leap, limbo, lindy, lose no time, lucubrate, make haste, make things hum, mambo, mazurka, Mexican hat dance, minuet, monkey, move quickly, movement, nip, nudge, nudging, overwork, ox dance, pachanga, pas de deux, pas seul, paso doble, passamezzo, peabody, pile drive, plunge, poke, polka, polonaise, Portland fancy, post, pour it on, precipitate, press, press on, pressure, prod, punch, push, push on, push through, pushfulness, pushiness, pushing, pushingness, quadrille, quake, quaver, quicken, quiver, race, railroad through, rain dance, ram, ram down, rattle, reel, rigadoon, rumba, run, run against, rush, rush along, rush through, rustle, samba, scamper, scramble, scratch, scurry, scuttle, shake, shimmy, shiver, shock, shoot ahead, shoulder, shove, shoving, shudder, slave, snake dance, speed, speed along, speed up, speediness, spirit, sprint, spunk, spur, spurt, square dance, stampede, step lively, stir, strathspey, stress, sweat, swiftness, swim, sword dance, tamp, tango, tap dance, tarantella, tear, thrust, tremble, trepak, turkey trot, twist, twitter, up-and-comingness, urge, valse, venturesomeness, venturousness, vibrate, Virginia reel, waltz, war dance, Watusi, whip, whip along, wobble, work hard, work late, work overtime