BAIT: Thesaurus Entry, Synonyms and Antonym
Pronunciation: | | beyt
| Related Terms: | | aggravate, allure, allurement, annoy, badger, bait the hook, baited trap, be at, bedevil, beset, birdlime, bite, blandish, bola, bother, bribe, bristle, brown off, bug, bullyrag, burn up, cajole, carrot, charm, chivy, coax, cobweb, come-on, decoy, decoy duck, devil, discompose, distemper, disturb, dog, dragnet, draw, draw in, draw on, drawcard, drawing card, encouragement, endearment, ensnare, entice, enticement, entrap, exasperate, exercise, fash, fillip, fishhook, flirt, flirt with, fly, get, gill net, give the come-on, gripe, ground bait, harass, harry, haze, heckle, hector, hook, hound, incentive, incitement, inducement, interest, inveigh, inveigle, inveiglement, invitation, irk, jig, lariat, lasso, lead on, lime, lure, meshes, miff, molest, morsel, nag, needle, net, nettle, noose, nudzh, offer bait to, payment, peeve, percentage, persecute, persuasive, pester, pick on, piece, pique, plague, pluck the beard, plug, pother, pound net, profit, provocation, provoke, purse seine, push around, rag, reward, ride, rile, roil, rope in, ruffle, seduce, seducement, seine, snare, sniggle, spinner, springe, squid, stimulation, stimulative, stimulus, suck in, sweetener, sweetening, tease, tempt, temptation, toils, toll, torment, trap, trawl, try the patience, tweak the nose, vex, whet, wobbler, woo, worry |