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Pronunciation:  in'sItmunt

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  an act of inciting
  2. [n]  the act of exhorting; an earnest attempt at persuasion
  3. [n]  needed encouragement; "the result was a provocation of vigorous investigation"
  4. [n]  something that incites or provokes; a means of arousing or stirring to action
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 Synonyms: exhortation, incitation, incitation, provocation, provocation
 See Also: arousal, encouragement, mental energy, pep talk, persuasion, psychic energy, rousing, signal, suasion, subornation



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\In*cite"ment\, n. [Cf. F. incitement.]
1. The act of inciting.
2. That which incites the mind, or moves to action; motive;
   incentive; impulse. --Burke.
         From the long records of a distant age, Derive
         incitements to renew thy rage.        --Pope.
Syn: Motive; incentive; spur; stimulus; impulse;
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: aggravation, agitating, agitation, animation, arousal, arousing, awakening, bait, bribe, carrot, clout, compulsion, drive, driving force, electrification, encouragement, enticement, exacerbation, exasperation, excitation, excitement, exciting, exhilaration, exhortation, exhorting, fillip, firing, fomentation, fomenting, galvanization, goading, impellent, impelling force, impetus, impulse, impulsion, incentive, incitation, inducement, inflaming, inflammation, influence, influencing, infuriation, inspiration, instigating, instigation, interest, invitation, irresistible force, irritation, lathering up, lure, moment, momentum, motivation, motive power, mover, needling, payment, pep rally, pep talk, percentage, persuasion, persuasive, perturbation, power, pricking, prodding, profit, prompting, propulsion, provocation, provoking, rabble-rousing, rallying, reward, spurring, steaming up, stimulation, stimulative, stimulus, stirring, stirring up, stirring-up, sweetener, sweetening, temptation, thrust, urging, wakening, whet, whipping, whipping up, working up