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Meaning of AGITATION

Pronunciation:  `aji'teyshun

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the act of agitating something; causing it to move around (usually vigorously)
  2. [n]  disturbance usually in protest
  3. [n]  the feeling of being agitated; not calm
  4. [n]  a state of agitation or turbulent change or development; "the political ferment produced a new leadership"; "social unrest"
  5. [n]  a mental state of extreme emotional disturbance

AGITATION is a 9 letter word that starts with A.


 Synonyms: excitement, ferment, fermentation, hullabaloo, turmoil, unrest, upheaval
 Antonyms: calmness
 See Also: disturbance, disturbance, dither, feeling, fidget, fidgetiness, flap, fret, fuss, lather, mental state, motility, motion, move, movement, perturbation, pother, psychological state, restlessness, shake, shaking, stew, stewing, stir, stirring, Sturm und Drang, sweat, swither, tailspin, tizzy, tumult, turbulence, turmoil, unrest, upheaval, upset, wag, waggle, worrying



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Ag`i*ta"tion\, n. [L. agitatio: cf. F. agitation.]
1. The act of agitating, or the state of being agitated; the
   state of being moved with violence, or with irregular
   action; commotion; as, the sea after a storm is in
2. A stirring up or arousing; disturbance of tranquillity;
   disturbance of mind which shows itself by physical
   excitement; perturbation; as, to cause any one agitation.
3. Excitement of public feeling by discussion, appeals, etc.;
   as, the antislavery agitation; labor agitation.
   ``Religious agitations.'' --Prescott.
4. Examination or consideration of a subject in controversy,
   or of a plan proposed for adoption; earnest discussion;
         A logical agitation of the matter.    --L'Estrange.
         The project now in agitation.         --Swift.
Syn: Emotion; commotion; excitement; trepidation; tremor;
     perturbation. See {Emotion}.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: ado, aggravation, all-overs, angst, animation, anxiety, anxiety hysteria, anxiety neurosis, anxious bench, anxious concern, anxious seat, anxiousness, apprehension, apprehensiveness, arousal, arousing, attack of nerves, bluster, bother, botheration, brawl, broil, brouhaha, buck fever, burst, bustle, cacophony, cankerworm of care, care, case of nerves, chaos, chills of fear, churning, cold creeps, cold shivers, cold sweat, commotion, concern, concernment, confusion, creeps, disquiet, disquietude, distress, disturbance, dither, dread, ebullience, ebullition, eddy, effervescence, electrification, embroilment, exacerbation, exasperation, excessive irritability, excitation, excitement, exhilaration, fanaticism, fear, fear and trembling, feery-fary, ferment, fermentation, fidgetiness, fidgets, firing, fit, flap, flurry, fluster, flutter, flutteriness, fomentation, foofaraw, foreboding, forebodingness, frenzy, fume, furor, furore, fury, fuss, fussiness, galvanization, goose bumps, gooseflesh, heartquake, horripilation, hubbub, hullabaloo, hurly-burly, hurry, hurry-scurry, incitation, incitement, inflammation, infuriation, inquietude, instigation, irritation, jimjams, lather, lathering up, maelstrom, malaise, misgiving, morbid excitability, nerves, nervosity, nervous stomach, nervous strain, nervous tension, nervousness, overanxiety, palpitation, pandemonium, panic, panickiness, passion, pell-mell, pep rally, pep talk, perturbation, pins and needles, pother, provocation, pucker, quaking, quiver of terror, rabble-rousing, racket, rage, restlessness, row, ruckus, ruffle, rumpus, scramble, shaking, shivers, solicitude, spasm, spell of nerves, spurt, stage fright, state of nerves, steaming up, stew, stimulation, stimulus, stir, stirring, stirring up, stirring-up, storminess, strain, suspense, sweat, swirl, swirling, tempestuousness, tension, thrill of fear, tic, to-do, trepidation, trepidity, trouble, tumult, tumultuousness, turbulence, turmoil, twitching, uneasiness, unquiet, unquietness, uproar, upset, vellication, vexation, vortex, whipping up, whirl, wildness, working up, yeastiness, zeal, zealousness