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Meaning of STEW

Pronunciation:  stoo

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  food prepared by stewing especially meat or fish with vegetables
  2. [n]  agitation resulting from active worry; "don't get in a stew"; "he's in a sweat about exams"
  3. [v]  cook slowly and for a long time in liquid; "Stew the vegetables in wine"
  4. [v]  bear a grudge; harbor ill feelings
  5. [v]  be in a huff; be silent or sullen
 Synonyms: brood, fret, grizzle, grudge, lather, sulk, sweat, swither
 See Also: agitation, be, beef stew, Brunswick stew, burgoo, chicken purloo, cook, dish, fish stew, fricassee, goulash, gulyas, hot pot, hotchpotch, hotpot, Hungarian goulash, Irish burgoo, Irish stew, jug, lobscouse, lobscuse, lobster stew, mulligan, mulligan stew, olla podrida, oyster stew, poilu, pot-au-feu, pottage, purloo, ragout, resent, scouse, slumgullion, Spanish burgoo



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Stew\, n. [Cf. {Stow}.]
    1. A small pond or pool where fish are kept for the table; a
       vivarium. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] --Chaucer. Evelyn.
    2. An artificial bed of oysters. [Local, U.S.]
  2. \Stew\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stewed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Stewing}.] [OE. stuven, OF. estuver, F. ['e]tuver, fr. OF.
    estuve, F. ['e]tuve, a sweating house, a room heated for a
    bath; probably of Teutonic origin, and akin to E. stove. See
    {Stove}, and cf. {Stive} to stew.]
    To boil slowly, or with the simmering or moderate heat; to
    seethe; to cook in a little liquid, over a gentle fire,
    without boiling; as, to stew meat; to stew oysters; to stew
  3. \Stew\, v. i.
    To be seethed or cooked in a slow, gentle manner, or in heat
    and moisture.
  4. \Stew\, n. [OE. stue, stuwe, OF. estuve. See {Stew}, v. t.]
    1. A place of stewing or seething; a place where hot bathes
       are furnished; a hothouse. [Obs.]
             As burning [AE]tna from his boiling stew Doth belch
             out flames.                           --Spenser.
             The Lydians were inhibited by Cyrus to use any
             armor, and give themselves to baths and stews.
                                                   --Abp. Abbot.
    2. A brothel; -- usually in the plural. --Bacon. South.
             There be that hate harlots, and never were at the
             stews.                                --Aschman.
    3. A prostitute. [Obs.] --Sir A. Weldon.
    4. A dish prepared by stewing; as, a stewof pigeons.
    5. A state of agitating excitement; a state of worry;
       confusion; as, to be in a stew. [Colloq.]