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COOK: Thesaurus Entry, Synonyms and Antonym

Pronunciation:  kook, kûk

 Related Terms: abigail, adulterate, amah, au pair girl, ayah, bake, baker, ball up, barbecue, baste, be in heat, betweenmaid, biddy, blanch, blaze, bloom, boil, bollix, bollix up, braise, brew, broil, brown, bugger, bugger up, burn, chafe, chambermaid, chaperon, chef, chef de cuisine, chief cook, choke, coddle, combust, companion, culinarian, culinary artist, curry, defeat, devil, dish, do, do for, do in, do to perfection, doctor, duenna, electric-heat, fake, femme de chambre, fille de chambre, fire, fire up, fix, flame, flame up, flare, flare up, flicker, flush, foment, foul up, fricassee, frizz, frizzle, fry, fry cook, gas-heat, gasp, gentlewoman, girl, glow, griddle, grill, gum up, handmaid, handmaiden, hash up, heat, hired girl, hot, hot up, hot-air-heat, hot-water-heat, housemaid, incandesce, juggle, kitchener, kitchenmaid, knock out, KO, lady-help, lady-in-waiting, live-in maid, live-out maid, load, louse up, maid, maidservant, manipulate, melt, mess up, muck up, mull, nursemaid, oven-bake, overheat, pack, pan, pan-broil, pant, parboil, parch, parlormaid, pastry chef, pastrycook, plant, play hell with, play hob with, poach, preheat, prepare, prepare food, queer, radiate heat, recook, reheat, retouch, rig, roast, salt, saute, scald, scallop, scorch, screw up, scullery maid, scuttle, sear, seethe, servant girl, servitress, settle, shimmer with heat, shirr, shoot down, short-order cook, simmer, sink, smolder, smother, snafu, snarl up, sophisticate, soubrette, spark, stack, steam, stew, stifle, stir-fry, stoke up, suffocate, superheat, sweat, swelter, tamper with, tepefy, toast, torpedo, tweeny, undo, upstairs maid, waiting maid, warm, warm over, warm up, wench