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Meaning of DOG

Pronunciation:  dog

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times; occurs in many breeds; "the dog barked all night"
  2. [n]  metal supports for logs in a fireplace; "the andirons were too hot to touch"
  3. [n]  a hinged catch that fits into a notch of a ratchet to move a wheel forward or prevent it from moving backward
  4. [n]  someone who is morally reprehensible; "you dirty dog"
  5. [n]  informal term for a man; "you lucky dog"
  6. [n]  a dull unattractive unpleasant girl or woman; "she got a reputation as a frump"; "she's a real dog"
  7. [v]  go after with the intent to catch
 Synonyms: andiron, blackguard, bounder, cad, Canis familiaris, chase, chase after, click, detent, dogiron, domestic dog, firedog, frump, go after, heel, hound, pawl, tag, tail, track, trail
 See Also: barker, basenji, Belgian griffon, blighter, bow-wow, Brussels griffon, canid, canine, Canis, carriage dog, catch, chap, chase away, coach dog, corgi, cur, cuss, dalmatian, disagreeable woman, dispel, doggie, doggy, drive away, drive off, drive out, fella, feller, fellow, flag, follow, gent, genus Canis, Great Pyrenees, griffon, hound, hunt, hunting dog, lad, lapdog, Leonberg, Mexican hairless, mongrel, mutt, Newfoundland, pack, perisher, pooch, poodle, poodle dog, pug, pug-dog, pursue, quest, rachet, ratch, ratchet, run down, run off, scoundrel, spitz, stop, support, tag along, toy, toy dog, trace, turn back, unpleasant woman, villain, Welsh corgi, working dog



Products Dictionary

Photographs of over 300 works of art and supporting text celebrate the canine in art and literature, including chapters on sporting dogs, companion dogs, wild dogs, working dogs, dogs at rest, and symbolic dogs.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Dog\ (d[o^]g), n. [AS. docga; akin to D. dog mastiff, Dan.
    dogge, Sw. dogg.]
    1. (Zo["o]l.) A quadruped of the genus {Canis}, esp. the
       domestic dog ({C. familiaris}).
    Note: The dog is distinguished above all others of the
          inferior animals for intelligence, docility, and
          attachment to man. There are numerous carefully bred
          varieties, as the beagle, bloodhound, bulldog,
          coachdog, collie, Danish dog, foxhound, greyhound,
          mastiff, pointer, poodle, St. Bernard, setter, spaniel,
          spitz dog, terrier, etc. There are also many mixed
          breeds, and partially domesticated varieties, as well
          as wild dogs, like the dingo and dhole. (See these
          names in the Vocabulary.)
    2. A mean, worthless fellow; a wretch.
             What is thy servant, which is but a dog, that he
             should do this great thing?           -- 2 Kings
                                                   viii. 13 (Rev.
                                                   Ver. )
    3. A fellow; -- used humorously or contemptuously; as, a sly
       dog; a lazy dog. [Colloq.]
    4. (Astron.) One of the two constellations, Canis Major and
       Canis Minor, or the Greater Dog and the Lesser Dog. Canis
       Major contains the Dog Star (Sirius).
    5. An iron for holding wood in a fireplace; a firedog; an
    6. (Mech.)
       (a) A grappling iron, with a claw or claws, for fastening
           into wood or other heavy articles, for the purpose of
           raising or moving them.
       (b) An iron with fangs fastening a log in a saw pit, or on
           the carriage of a sawmill.
       (c) A piece in machinery acting as a catch or clutch;
           especially, the carrier of a lathe, also, an
           adjustable stop to change motion, as in a machine
    Note: Dog is used adjectively or in composition, commonly in
          the sense of relating to, or characteristic of, a dog.
          It is also used to denote a male; as, dog fox or g-fox,
          a male fox; dog otter or dog-otter, dog wolf, etc.; --
          also to denote a thing of cheap or mean quality; as,
          dog Latin.
    {A dead dog}, a thing of no use or value. --1 Sam. xxiv. 14.
    {A dog in the manger}, an ugly-natured person who prevents
       others from enjoying what would be an advantage to them
       but is none to him.
    {Dog ape} (Zo["o]l.), a male ape.
    {Dog cabbage}, or {Dog's cabbage} (Bot.), a succulent herb,
       native to the Mediterranean region ({Thelygonum
    {Dog cheap}, very cheap. See under {Cheap}.
    {Dog ear} (Arch.), an acroterium. [Colloq.]
    {Dog flea} (Zo["o]l.), a species of flea ({Pulex canis})
       which infests dogs and cats, and is often troublesome to
       man. In America it is the common flea. See {Flea}, and
    {Dog grass} (Bot.), a grass ({Triticum caninum}) of the same
       genus as wheat.
    {Dog Latin}, barbarous Latin; as, the dog Latin of pharmacy.
    {Dog lichen} (Bot.), a kind of lichen ({Peltigera canina})
       growing on earth, rocks, and tree trunks, -- a lobed
       expansion, dingy green above and whitish with fuscous
       veins beneath.
    {Dog louse} (Zo["o]l.), a louse that infests the dog, esp.
       {H[ae]matopinus piliferus}; another species is
       {Trichodectes latus}.
    {Dog power}, a machine operated by the weight of a dog
       traveling in a drum, or on an endless track, as for
    {Dog salmon} (Zo["o]l.), a salmon of northwest America and
       northern Asia; -- the {gorbuscha}; -- called also {holia},
       and {hone}.
    {Dog shark}. (Zo["o]l.) See {Dogfish}.
    {Dog's meat}, meat fit only for dogs; refuse; offal.
    {Dog Star}. See in the Vocabulary.
    {Dog wheat} (Bot.), Dog grass.
    {Dog whelk} (Zo["o]l.), any species of univalve shells of the
       family {Nassid[ae]}, esp. the {Nassa reticulata} of
    {To give, or throw}, {to the dogs}, to throw away as useless.
       ``Throw physic to the dogs; I'll none of it.'' --Shak.
    {To go to the dogs}, to go to ruin; to be ruined.
  2. \Dog\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Dogged}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    To hunt or track like a hound; to follow insidiously or
    indefatigably; to chase with a dog or dogs; to worry, as if
    by dogs; to hound with importunity.
          I have been pursued, dogged, and waylaid. -- Pope.
          Your sins will dog you, pursue you.      --Burroughs.
          Eager ill-bred petitioners, who do not so properly
          supplicate as hunt the person whom they address to,
          dogging him from place to place, till they even extort
          an answer to their rude requests.        -- South.
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing a dog in your dream, indicate a skill that you have ignored or forgotten, but needs to be activated. Alternatively, dogs may symbolize intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity. Your own values and intentions will enable you to go forward in the world and succeed. If the dog is vicious and/or growling, then it means some inner conflict within yourself. It may indicate betrayal and untrustworthiness. If the dog is dead or dying, then it indicates a loss of a good friend. Alternatively, it represents a deterioration of your instincts. Dreaming that a dog bites your on the leg, suggests that you have lost your ability to balance aspects of your life. You may be hesitant in approaching a new situation or have no desire to move forward with your goals. Seeing a happily barking dog in your dream, symbolizes pleasures and much social activity. If the dog is barking ferociously, then it represents your habit of making demands on people and controlling situations around you. It could also mean unfriendly companions. Dreaming that you are buying a dog indicates your tendency to buy your friends or buy compliments/favors. Alternatively, it suggest a need for you to find companionship. Dreaming that you are dressing up your dog means your attempts to cover up your own character flaws and habits.
Easton Bible Dictionary

frequently mentioned both in the Old and New Testaments. Dogs were used by the Hebrews as a watch for their houses (Isa. 56:10), and for guarding their flocks (Job 30:1). There were also then as now troops of semi-wild dogs that wandered about devouring dead bodies and the offal of the streets (1 Kings 14:11; 16:4; 21:19, 23; 22:38; Ps. 59:6, 14).

As the dog was an unclean animal, the terms "dog," "dog's head," "dead dog," were used as terms of reproach or of humiliation (1 Sam. 24:14; 2 Sam. 3:8; 9:8; 16:9). Paul calls false apostles "dogs" (Phil. 3:2). Those who are shut out of the kingdom of heaven are also so designated (Rev. 22:15). Persecutors are called "dogs" (Ps. 22:16). Hazael's words, "Thy servant which is but a dog" (2 Kings 8:13), are spoken in mock humility=impossible that one so contemptible as he should attain to such power.

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: affenpinscher, Afghan hound, aggravate, Alaskan malamute, animal, annoy, arch, baboon, badger, badger dog, bag, bait, balker, balky horse, bandog, bar, barbet, barricade, basset, basset hound, be at, beagle, beast, beat, bedevil, Bedlington terrier, bedog, beset, billy, billy goat, bitch, blemish, block, block up, blockade, bloodhound, blot, boar, boarhound, bolt, Border terrier, borzoi, Boston bull, bother, bowwow, boxer, bristle, brown off, bubbly-jock, buck, bug, bull, bull terrier, bulldog, bullock, bullyrag, burn up, Cairn terrier, canine, chanticleer, chase, Chihuahua, chivy, chock, choke, choke off, chow, close, close off, close tight, close up, clubfoot, coach dog, cock, cockerel, collie, come after, come behind, constrict, coonhound, course, crate, crock, crowbait, crowd, cur, dachshund, Dalmatian, debar, deerhound, devil, digit, discompose, distemper, disturb, Doberman pinscher, drake, drive, English toy spaniel, entire, entire horse, Eskimo dog, exasperate, exercise, extremity, eyesore, falcon, fancy dog, fash, feist, fetlock, flat-coated retriever, flush, follow, follow the hounds, follow up, foot, forefoot, forepaw, fowl, fox terrier, foxhound, frank, fret, fright, gander, gargoyle, garron, get, giant schnauzer, give chase, go after, go behind, go hunting, goat, gobbler, golden retriever, Gordon setter, Great Dane, Great Pyrenees, greyhound, griffon, gripe, guide dog, gun, gyp, hack, hag, harass, harefoot, harridan, harrier, harry, hart, haunt, hawk, heap, heckle, hector, heel, he-goat, hollo after, hoof, hot dog, hound, hunt, hunt down, husky, hyena, insect, instep, irk, jack, jacklight, jade, jam, jughead, kennel, Kerry blue terrier, Labrador retriever, lakeland terrier, lap dog, lock, make after, malamute, Maltese, mastiff, mess, miff, molest, mongrel, monster, monstrosity, move behind, mutt, nag, needle, nettle, Newfoundland, no beauty, Norwegian elkhound, Norwich terrier, nudzh, obstruct, occlude, otterhound, pack, pack of dogs, pad, papillon, pastern, patte, paw, peacock, pedal extremity, pedes, peeve, Pekingese, persecute, pes, pester, pick on, pied, pig, pique, plague, pluck the beard, plug, pointer, polecat, pooch, poodle, pother, prick, prosecute, provoke, prowl after, pug, puli, pup, puppy, pursue, quest, quest after, raise the hunt, ram, rat terrier, reptile, retriever, Rhodesian ridgeback, ride, ride to hounds, rile, roarer, rogue, roil, rooster, rosinante, Rottweiler, ruffle, run, run after, Saluki, Samoyed, scalawag, scarecrow, Scottish deerhound, scum, search, Seeing Eye dog, seek, seek out, serpent, setter, shadow, sheep dog, shikar, shithead, shoot, show dog, shut off, shut out, shut tight, Siberian husky, sight, skunk, sled dog, sleuth, sleuthhound, slut, snake, sole, spaniel, splayfoot, sport, squeeze, squeeze shut, stag, staghound, stalk, stallion, start, steer, stiff, stifle, still-hunt, stinkard, stop up, stot, strangle, strangulate, string along, stud, studhorse, suffocate, swine, tag, tag after, tag along, tail, tailgate, take out after, tease, teratism, terrier, toad, toe, tom, tom turkey, tomcat, tootsy, top cow, top horse, torment, toy dog, track, trail, trail after, tread close upon, trotter, try the patience, tup, turd, turkey gobbler, turkey-cock, turnspit, tweak the nose, tyke, ugly duckling, ungula, varmint, vermin, vex, viper, watchdog, Welsh corgi, Welsh terrier, wether, whelp, whippet, whistler, wiener, wienerwurst, wienie, wire-haired terrier, witch, wolfhound, working dog, worm, worry, wreck, Yorkshire terrier