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Meaning of ARCH

Pronunciation:  ârch

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Walking under an arch in a dream means that you will be discovering new dimensions and taking new directions in life. Keep your eyes open, it might be time for you to take undvantage of some importatn opportunities.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: acute, apse, arc, arcade, arcature, arch over, arched roof, archway, artful, astute, banner, bantam, barrow, basket-handle arch, bend, bend back, bestraddle, bestride, bold, boundary stone, bow, brass, bridge, bust, cagey, cairn, camber, canny, capital, cardinal, ceilinged roof, cenotaph, central, champion, cheeky, chief, clever, clubfoot, cocky, column, concameration, concha, conspicuous, consummate, coquettish, cove, coy, crafty, cromlech, crook, cross, crowning, cunning, cup, cupola, curl, curvation, curvature, curve, cute, cyclolith, deceitful, decurve, deep, deep-laid, deflect, derisive, designing, devilish, digit, diplomatic, dog, dolmen, dome, dominant, elfish, elvish, embow, extend over, extraordinary, extreme, extremity, feline, fetlock, first, flex, flippant, focal, foolish, foot, footstone, forefoot, foremost, forepaw, foxy, fresh, full of mischief, geodesic dome, grave, gravestone, great, greatest, guileful, hang over, harefoot, head, headmost, headstone, heel, hegemonic, high-spirited, hoarstone, hoof, hook, hump, hunch, igloo, imbricate, impish, incurvate, incurve, inflect, ingenious, inscription, insidious, instep, inventive, jut, keystone, knavish, knowing, lap, lap over, leading, lie over, loop, Machiavellian, Machiavellic, magisterial, main, major, malapert, marker, master, mausoleum, megalith, memento, memorial, memorial arch, memorial column, memorial statue, memorial stone, menhir, mischief-loving, mischievous, mocking, monolith, monument, mound, necrology, notable, noteworthy, obelisk, obituary, ogive, overarch, overhang, overlap, overlie, override, overruling, pad, paramount, pastern, patte, paw, pawky, pedal extremity, pedes, pert, pes, pied, pillar, plaque, playful, politic, prankish, pranksome, pranky, predominant, preeminent, premier, preponderant, prevailing, primal, primary, prime, principal, prize, puckish, pug, pyramid, ranking, ready, recurve, reflect, reflex, reliquary, remembrance, resourceful, retroflex, ribbon, roguish, rostral column, round, ruling, sag, saucy, scampish, scapegrace, scheming, serpentine, shaft, sharp, shifty, shingle, shrewd, shrine, skewback, slick, slippery, sly, smooth, snaky, sneaky, sole, sophistical, sovereign, span, splayfoot, sportive, star, stealthy, stela, stellar, stone, strategic, stupa, subtile, subtle, supereminent, supple, swag, sweep, tablet, tactical, testimonial, toe, tomb, tombstone, tootsy, tope, topflight, trefoil arch, trickish, tricksy, tricky, trophy, trotter, turn, twitting, ungula, vault, vaulting, voussoir, vulpine, waggish, wary, wily, wind