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Pronunciation:  `inkun'veenyuns

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a difficulty that causes anxiety
  2. [n]  the quality of not being useful or convenient
  3. [n]  the quality of an embarrassing situation; "he sensed the awkwardness of his proposal"
  4. [n]  an inconvenient discomfort
  5. [v]  to cause inconvenience or discomfort to; "Sorry to trouble you, but..."
 Synonyms: bother, discommode, disoblige, incommode, incommodiousness, nuisance value, put out, trouble, troublesomeness, worriment
 Antonyms: convenience
 See Also: affect, awkwardness, bear on, bear upon, cumbersomeness, difficultness, difficulty, disadvantage, discomfort, flea bite, fly in the ointment, impact, inaccessibility, ineptness, inopportuneness, touch, touch on, unavailability, uncomfortableness, unsuitability, unsuitableness, untimeliness, unwieldiness



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \In`con*ven"ience\, n. [L. inconvenientia
    inconsistency: cf. OF. inconvenience.]
    1. The quality or condition of being inconvenient; want of
       convenience; unfitness; unsuitableness; inexpediency;
       awkwardness; as, the inconvenience of the arrangement.
             They plead against the inconvenience, not the
             unlawfulness, . . . of ceremonies in burial.
    2. That which gives trouble, embarrassment, or uneasiness;
       disadvantage; anything that disturbs quiet, impedes
       prosperity, or increases the difficulty of action or
       success; as, one inconvenience of life is poverty.
             A place upon the top of Mount Athos above all clouds
             of rain, or other inconvenience.      --Sir W.
             Man is liable to a great many inconveniences.
    Syn: Incommodiousness; awkwardness; disadvantage; disquiet;
         uneasiness; disturbance; annoyance.
  2. \In`con*ven"ience\, v. t.
    To put to inconvenience; to incommode; as, to inconvenience a
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abuse a privilege, ado, aggravate, aggravation, ail, annoy, annoyance, anxiety, awkwardness, be the matter, beset, besetment, bother, bothersomeness, bulkiness, burden, burdening, burdensomeness, burthen, can of worms, cargo, charge, charging, clumsiness, complicate matters, concern, cross, cumbersomeness, cumbrance, deadweight, demand, difficulty, disaccommodate, disadvantage, discomfort, discommode, discommodity, discompose, disoblige, disrupt, disruption, distress, disturb, disturbance, drawback, embarrassment, encroach upon, encumbrance, evil, exaction, exasperate, exasperation, freight, freighting, fuss, futility, great ado, hamper, handicap, harass, harm, headache, hindrance, hulkiness, impediment, impedimenta, impoliticalness, impoliticness, impose on, impose upon, imposing an onus, imposition, impracticality, impropriety, inadvisability, inappropriateness, inaptitude, inauspiciousness, incommode, incommodity, incongruity, inconsiderateness, inconveniency, inconvenientness, ineptitude, inexpedience, inexpediency, infelicity, infliction, inopportuneness, inopportunity, intempestivity, interfere, intermeddle, interruption, intrusion, irk, irrelevance, irritate, lateness, laying on, load, loading, loading down, lumber, make free with, matter, meddle, nuisance, obtrude upon, obtrusiveness, onerousness, onus, overstep, pack, pain, peck of troubles, penalty, perplex, perturb, plague, ponderousness, pother, prematurity, presume on, presume upon, presumptuousness, problem, put about, put out, put to inconvenience, put to it, put to trouble, puzzle, sea of troubles, stew, take a liberty, take liberties, tasking, taxing, torment, trial, trouble, troublesomeness, try, undesirability, unfavorableness, unfitness, unfittingness, unfortunateness, unhandiness, unmanageability, unmeetness, unprofitability, unprofitableness, unpropitiousness, unripeness, unseasonableness, unseemliness, unsuitability, untimeliness, unwarranted demand, unwieldiness, unwiseness, upset, uselessness, vex, weight, weighting, white elephant, worry, worthlessness, wrongness