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Pronunciation:  `impru'prIitee

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  an act of undue intimacy
  2. [n]  an indecent or improper act
  3. [n]  an improper demeanor
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 Synonyms: familiarity, improperness, indecency, indecorum, liberty
 Antonyms: correctitude, properness, propriety
 See Also: behavior, behaviour, conduct, demeanor, demeanour, deportment, inappropriateness, incorrectness, indecency, indecorousness, indecorum, indelicacy, misbehavior, misbehaviour, misdeed, obscenity, wrongness



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Im`pro*pri"e*ty\, n.; pl. {Improprieties}. [L.
improprietas; cf. F. impropri['e]t['e]. See {Improper}.]
1. The quality of being improper; unfitness or unsuitableness
   to character, time place, or circumstances; as,
   impropriety of behavior or manners.
2. That which is improper; an unsuitable or improper act, or
   an inaccurate use of language.
         But every language has likewise its improprieties
         and absurdities.                      --Johnson.
         Many gross improprieties, however authorized by
         practice, ought to be discarded.      --Swift.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: aberrance, aberrancy, abnormality, anomaly, atrocity, Babbittry, bad taste, badness, barbarism, barbarousness, blunder, bombasticness, bourgeois taste, breach, cacology, cacophony, camp, campiness, clumsiness, coarseness, colloquialism, corruption, crime, crime against humanity, criminality, crudeness, cumbrousness, deadly sin, delinquency, dereliction, deviance, deviancy, discourtesy, disentitlement, disorder, disorderliness, disorderly conduct, disruption, disruptiveness, dysphemism, empty claim, empty title, enormity, erroneousness, error, evil, excess, failure, false claim, falseness, falsity, fault, faux pas, felony, frowned-upon behavior, gaffe, gaucherie, genocide, Gothicism, gracelessness, grossness, guilty act, harshness, heaviness, heavy sin, high camp, hooliganism, horseplay, ill-balanced sentences, illegality, immodesty, immorality, imprecision, improperness, impurity, inaccuracy, inaccurateness, inadmissibility, inapplicability, inappositeness, inappropriateness, inaptitude, inaptness, inauspiciousness, incompatibility, inconcinnity, incongruity, incongruousness, inconvenience, incorrectness, indecency, indecorousness, indecorum, indelicacy, indiscreetness, indiscretion, inelegance, inelegancy, inequitableness, inequity, inexactitude, inexactness, inexpedience, inexpiable sin, infelicity, infraction, iniquitousness, iniquity, injury, injustice, inopportuneness, inopportunity, intempestivity, interruption, intrusion, invalid claim, irregularity, irrelevance, irrelevancy, kitsch, lack of claim, lack of finish, lack of polish, lapse, lasciviousness, lateness, leadenness, lewdness, localism, low camp, maladjustment, malefaction, malfeasance, malum, mesalliance, minor wrong, misalliance, misbehavior, misconduct, misdeed, misdemeanor, misdoing, misfeasance, misjoinder, misjoining, mismatch, mistake, mortal sin, naughtiness, no claim, nonfeasance, nonsanctioned behavior, offense, omission, outrage, peccadillo, peccancy, philistinism, pompousness, ponderousness, poor diction, poor taste, pop, pop culture, prematurity, roughhouse, roughness, rowdiness, rowdyism, rudeness, ruffianism, sesquipedalianism, sesquipedality, sin, sin of commission, sin of omission, sinful act, sinfulness, slang, slip, slipshod construction, stiltedness, suggestiveness, taboo word, tastelessness, tort, transgression, trespass, trip, turgidity, unaestheticism, unaestheticness, unbecomingness, unchastity, uncongeniality, uncouthness, undeservedness, undeservingness, undueness, unentitledness, uneuphoniousness, unfavorableness, unfitness, unfittingness, unfortunateness, ungracefulness, unjustness, unlawfulness, unmeetness, unmeritedness, unpropitiousness, unrefinement, unrighteousness, unripeness, unseasonableness, unseemliness, unsuitability, unsuitableness, untimeliness, unutterable sin, unwieldiness, vandalism, venial sin, vice, violation, vulgar taste, vulgarism, vulgarity, vulgarness, wickedness, wrong, wrongdoing, wrongfulness, wrongness