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Meaning of ANOMALY

Pronunciation:  u'nâmulee

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  (astronomy) position of a planet as defined by its angular distance from its perihelion (as observed from the sun)
  2. [n]  a person who is unusual
  3. [n]  deviation from the normal or common order or form or rule

ANOMALY is a 7 letter word that starts with A.


 Synonyms: anomalousness, unusual person
 See Also: aberrant, abnormal condition, abnormalcy, abnormality, albino, anachronism, automaton, behemoth, birth defect, colossus, congenital abnormality, congenital anomaly, congenital defect, congenital disorder, eccentric, eccentric person, geek, giant, goliath, human, individual, Jekyll and Hyde, kook, misfit, monster, mortal, odd fellow, odd fish, odd man out, oddball, person, place, position, queer bird, queer duck, rara avis, rare bird, somebody, someone, soul, transsexual, ugly duckling, zombi, zombie



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\A*nom"a*ly\, n.; pl. {Anomalies}. [L. anomalia, Gr. ?.
See {Anomalous}.]
1. Deviation from the common rule; an irregularity; anything
         We are enabled to unite into a consistent whole the
         various anomalies and contending principles that are
         found in the minds and affairs of men. --Burke.
         As Professor Owen has remarked, there is no greater
         anomaly in nature than a bird that can not fly.
2. (Astron.)
   (a) The angular distance of a planet from its perihelion,
       as seen from the sun. This is the true anomaly. The
       eccentric anomaly is a corresponding angle at the
       center of the elliptic orbit of the planet. The mean
       anomaly is what the anomaly would be if the planet's
       angular motion were uniform.
   (b) The angle measuring apparent irregularities in the
       motion of a planet.
3. (Nat. Hist.) Any deviation from the essential
   characteristics of a specific type.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: aberrance, aberrancy, aberration, abnormality, abnormity, amorphism, anomalism, anomalousness, conceit, conversation piece, crackpotism, crank, crankiness, crankism, crosspatch, crotchet, crotchetiness, curio, curiosity, derangement, deviancy, deviation, difference, differentness, divergence, dottiness, eccentricity, erraticism, erraticness, exception, freak, freakiness, freakishness, heteromorphism, idiocrasy, idiosyncrasy, improbability, impropriety, inadmissibility, inapplicability, inappositeness, inappropriateness, inaptitude, inaptness, individualist, infelicity, inferiority, inner-directed person, irregularity, irrelevance, irrelevancy, kink, maggot, maladjustment, mannerism, mesalliance, misalliance, misfit, misjoinder, misjoining, mismatch, monstrosity, museum piece, naysayer, nonconformist, nonconformity, nonesuch, oddball, oddity, peculiarity, prodigiosity, prodigy, queerness, quip, quirk, quirkiness, rarity, singularity, sport, strange thing, strangeness, subnormality, superiority, teratism, trick, twist, uncongeniality, unconventionality, unfitness, unnaturalism, unnaturalness, unsuitability, whim, whimsicality, whimsy