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Meaning of ODDBALL

Pronunciation:  'âd`bol

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a person with an unusual or odd personality
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 Synonyms: eccentric, eccentric person, geek
 See Also: anomaly, crackpot, crank, fruitcake, nut, nut case, nutcase, nutter, screwball, unusual person, wacko, whacko



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abnormal, absurd, alien, anomalous, anomaly, bizarre, black sheep, blemish, case, character, crackpot, crank, crankish, cranky, crosspatch, crotchety, curious, deviant, deviative, different, divergent, dotty, duck, eccentric, erratic, exceptional, fanatic, fey, flake, flaky, foreign body, foreign intruder, freak, freaked out, freakish, freaky, funny, hermit, hobo, idiocratic, idiosyncratic, impurity, individualist, inner-directed person, intruder, irregular, kinky, kook, kooky, lone wolf, loner, maggoty, maverick, meshuggenah, misfit, monkey wrench, mote, natural, naysayer, nonconformist, nut, nutty, odd, odd fellow, oddity, off, off the wall, original, out, outlandish, outsider, pariah, passing strange, peculiar, quaint, queer, queer duck, queer fish, queer specimen, quirky, quiz, rara avis, recluse, screwball, screwy, singular, sliver, solitary, speck, splinter, spook, sport, stone, strange, strange duck, tramp, twisted, type, unconventional, unearthly, unnatural, wacky, weed, weird, weirdo, whimsical, wondrous strange, zealot, zombie