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Meaning of FANATIC

Pronunciation:  fu'natik

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a person motivated by irrational enthusiasm (as for a cause); "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject"--Winston Churchill
  2. [adj]  marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea; "rabid isolationist"
 Synonyms: fanatical, fiend, overzealous, passionate, rabid
 See Also: enthusiast, partisan, partizan



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Fa*nat"ic\, a. [L. fanaticus inspired by divinity,
    enthusiastic, frantic, fr. fanum fane: cf. F. fanatique. See
    Pertaining to, or indicating, fanaticism; extravagant in
    opinions; ultra; unreasonable; excessively enthusiastic,
    especially on religious subjects; as, fanatic zeal; fanatic
          But Faith, fanatic Faith, once wedded fast To some dear
          falsehood, hugs it to the last.          --T. Moore.
  2. \Fa*nat"ic\, n.
    A person affected by excessive enthusiasm, particularly on
    religious subjects; one who indulges wild and extravagant
    notions of religion.
          There is a new word, coined within few months, called
          fanatics, which, by the close stickling thereof,
          seemeth well cut out and proportioned to signify what
          is meant thereby, even the sectaries of our age.
          Fanatics are governed rather by imagination than by
          judgment.                                --Stowe.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accepter, addict, aficionado, alien, aliene, ass, bedlamite, believer, bigot, bitter-ender, borderline case, buff, bug, bullethead, case, catechumen, character, chauvinist, Christian, churchgoer, churchite, churchman, collector, communicant, convert, crackbrain, crackpot, crank, daily communicant, dement, demon, demoniac, devotee, devotionalist, diehard, disciple, doctrinaire, dogmatist, donkey, eager beaver, eccentric, energumen, enthusiast, extremist, faddist, fan, fanatico, fiend, flake, follower, fou, freak, God-fearing man, good Christian, great one for, hardnose, hermit, hobbyist, hobo, hound, idiot, illiberal, infatuate, intolerant, intransigeant, intransigent, jingo, kook, last-ditcher, lone wolf, loner, loon, loony, lunatic, lunatic fringe, madman, male chauvinist, maniac, maverick, meshuggenah, monomaniac, mule, natural, neophyte, noncompos, nonconformist, nut, odd fellow, oddball, oddity, original, outsider, pariah, perverse fool, phrenetic, pietist, pig, pighead, positivist, proselyte, purist, pursuer, queer duck, queer fish, queer specimen, rabid, racist, radical, rara avis, raving lunatic, receiver, religionist, revolutional, revolutionary, revolutionist, rhapsodist, saint, screwball, sexist, solitary, standpat, standpatter, stickler, sucker for, superpatriot, theist, tramp, truster, type, ultra, ultraist, ultranationalist, visionary, votary, weirdo, zealot