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Meaning of BUFF

Pronunciation:  buf

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  an implement consisting of soft material mounted on a block; used for polishing (as in manicuring)
  2. [n]  a medium to dark tan color
  3. [n]  bare skin; "swimming in the buff"
  4. [n]  an ardent follower
  5. [n]  a soft thick undyed leather from the skins of e.g. buffalo or oxen
  6. [adj]  of the color of buff leather
  7. [v]  polish and make shiny; "buff the wooden floors"; "buff my shoes"
  8. [v]  strike, beat repeatedly; "The wind buffeted him"
 Synonyms: afficionado, buffer, buffet, burnish, caramel, caramel brown, chromatic, devotee, fan, flush, furbish, lover, raw sienna, yellowish brown
 See Also: aficionado, amorist, bacchanal, bacchant, brown, brownness, cutis, follower, followers, following, groupie, hit, implement, leather, polish, shine, skin, smooth, smoothen, snuff-color, snuff-colour, tegument



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Buff\ (b[u^]f), n. [OE. buff, buffe, buff, buffalo, F.
    buffle buffalo. See {Buffalo}.]
    1. A sort of leather, prepared from the skin of the buffalo,
       dressed with oil, like chamois; also, the skins of oxen,
       elks, and other animals, dressed in like manner. ``A suit
       of buff.'' --Shak.
    2. The color of buff; a light yellow, shading toward pink,
       gray, or brown.
             A visage rough, Deformed, unfeatured, and a skin of
             buff.                                 --Dryden.
    3. A military coat, made of buff leather. --Shak.
    4. (Med.) The grayish viscid substance constituting the buffy
       coat. See {Buffy coat}, under {Buffy}, a.
    5. (Mech.) A wheel covered with buff leather, and used in
       polishing cutlery, spoons, etc.
    6. The bare skin; as, to strip to the buff. [Colloq.]
             To be in buff is equivalent to being naked.
  2. \Buff\, a.
    1. Made of buff leather. --Goldsmith.
    2. Of the color of buff.
    {Buff coat}, a close, military outer garment, with short
       sleeves, and laced tightly over the chest, made of buffalo
       skin, or other thick and elastic material, worn by
       soldiers in the 17th century as a defensive covering.
    {Buff jerkin}, originally, a leather waistcoat; afterward,
       one of cloth of a buff color. [Obs.] --Nares.
    {Buff stick} (Mech.), a strip of wood covered with buff
       leather, used in polishing.
  3. \Buff\, v. t.
    To polish with a buff. See {Buff}, n., 5.
  4. \Buff\, v. t. [OF. bufer to cuff, buffet. See {Buffet} a
    To strike. [Obs.] --B. Jonson.
  5. \Buff\, n. [See {Buffet}.]
    A buffet; a blow; -- obsolete except in the phrase
    ``Blindman's buff.''
          Nathless so sore a buff to him it lent That made him
          reel.                                    --Spenser.
  6. \Buff\, a. [Of uncertain etymol.]
    Firm; sturdy.
          And for the good old cause stood buff, 'Gainst many a
          bitter kick and cuff.                    --Hudibras.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abettor, adherent, admirer, advocate, aficionado, amateur, angel, apologist, appendage, applauder, appreciator, attendant, attender, audience, aureate, auric, authority, backer, bareness, beige, birthday suit, booster, buff-yellow, bug, burnish, canary, canary-yellow, cavaliere servente, champion, citron, citron-yellow, claqueur, coat, collector, commender, connoisseur, courtier, crank, cream, creamy, critic, cuticle, dangler, decollete, defender, dependence, dependent, dermis, devotee, dilettante, disciple, dress, ecdysiast, ecru, encomiast, encourager, endorser, energumen, enthusiast, eulogist, eulogizer, expert, exponent, extoller, fallow, fan, fanatic, fanatico, fancier, favorer, fell, finish, flaxen, fleece, flesh, flunky, follower, following, freak, frequenter, friend at court, fur, furbish, furring, gilded, gilt, glance, glaze, gloss, gold, gold-colored, golden, groupie, gymnosophist, gymnosophy, habitue, hanger-on, haunter, henchman, hide, homme de cour, hound, idolater, idolizer, imitation fur, imitation leather, infatuate, integument, jacket, lauder, leather, leather paper, Leatherette, leathern, Leatheroid, leathery, lemon, lemon-yellow, lover, lunatic fringe, luster, luteolous, lutescent, Maecenas, mainstay, maintainer, monomaniac, nakedness, naturism, naturist, not a stitch, nudism, nudist, nudity, nut, ocherish, ocherous, ochery, ochreous, ochroid, ochrous, ochry, or, outer layer, outer skin, panegyrist, paranymph, parasite, partisan, patron, pelt, peltry, plugger, polish, praiser, primrose, primrose-colored, primrose-yellow, promoter, protagonist, public, puffer, pundit, pursuer, pursuivant, rawhide, reliance, rind, rooter, rub, rub up, saffron, saffron-colored, saffron-yellow, sallow, sand, sandblast, sand-colored, sandpaper, sandy, satellite, savant, scholar, scour, second, seconder, sectary, shadow, sheath, shine, sider, skin, skins, sleek, slick, slick down, smooth, specialist, spectator, sponsor, stalwart, standby, state of nature, stooge, straw, straw-colored, stripper, stripteaser, successor, support, supporter, sustainer, sympathizer, tagtail, tail, technical expert, technician, tegument, the altogether, the nude, the raw, theatergoer, toplessness, tout, touter, trainbearer, upholder, vair, varnish, visitor, votary, ward heeler, wax, well-wisher, worshiper, xanthic, xanthous, yellow, yellowish, zealot