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Meaning of AUTHORITY

Pronunciation:  u'thoritee

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  official permission or approval; "authority for the program was renewed several times"
  2. [n]  the power or right to give orders or make decisions; "he has the authority to issue warrants"; "deputies are given authorization to make arrests"
  3. [n]  freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities; "his assurance in his superiority did not make him popular"; "after that failure he lost his confidence"; "she spoke with authority"
  4. [n]  an authoritative written work; "this book is the final authority on the life of Milton"
  5. [n]  an administrative unit of government; "the Central Intelligence Agency"; "the Census Bureau"; "Office of Management and Budget"; "Tennessee Valley Authority"
  6. [n]  an expert whose views are taken as definitive; "he is an authority on corporate law"
  7. [n]  (usually plural) persons who exercise (administrative) control over others; "the authorities have issued a curfew"

AUTHORITY is a 9 letter word that starts with A.


 Synonyms: agency, assurance, authorisation, authorization, bureau, confidence, dominance, federal agency, government agency, office, sanction, say-so, self-assurance, self-confidence, sureness
 See Also: abrogator, administrative body, administrative unit, adviser, advisor, AEC, allocator, approver, Atomic Energy Commission, authoriser, authority figure, authorizer, book, Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, Bureau of Customs, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Bureau of the Census, carte blanche, Census Bureau, Center for Disease Control, central bank, Central Intelligence Agency, certainty, child welfare agency, child welfare service, Church Father, CIA, civil authority, cognoscenti, command, Comptroller of the Currency, connoisseur, consultant, control, distributor, Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, evaluator, executive agency, expert, Father, FBI, FDA, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Federal Housing Administration, FHA, Food and Drug Administration, Foreign Service, human, ICC, individual, Inland Revenue, Internal Revenue Service, Interstate Commerce Commission, IR, IRS, judge, last word, liturgist, local authority, lordship, mandator, Manhattan Project, master, mortal, NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Labor Relations Board, National Park Service, National Weather Service, NRC, NRLB, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Ordnance Survey, organ, OSHA, pacha, pasha, patent office, permission, person, power of appointment, professional, rebuker, redevelopment authority, regulatory agency, regulatory authority, reproacher, reprover, SEC, secret service, Securities and Exchange Commission, Selective Service, Selective Service System, Social Security Administration, somebody, someone, soul, UN agency, United Nations agency, upbraider, weather bureau, withdrawer



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Au*thor"i*ty\, n.; pl. {Authorities}. [OE. autorite,
auctorite, F. autorit['e], fr. L. auctoritas, fr. auctor. See
{Author}, n.]
1. Legal or rightful power; a right to command or to act;
   power exercised buy a person in virtue of his office or
   trust; dominion; jurisdiction; authorization; as, the
   authority of a prince over subjects, and of parents over
   children; the authority of a court.
         Thus can the demigod, Authority, Make us pay down
         for our offense.                      --Shak.
         By what authority doest thou these things ? --Matt.
                                               xxi. 23.
2. Government; the persons or the body exercising power or
   command; as, the local authorities of the States; the
   military authorities. [Chiefly in the plural.]
3. The power derived from opinion, respect, or esteem;
   influence of character, office, or station, or mental or
   moral superiority, and the like; claim to be believed or
   obeyed; as, an historian of no authority; a magistrate of
   great authority.
4. That which, or one who, is claimed or appealed to in
   support of opinions, actions, measures, etc. Hence:
   (a) Testimony; witness. ``And on that high authority had
       believed.'' --Milton.
   (b) A precedent; a decision of a court, an official
       declaration, or an opinion, saying, or statement
       worthy to be taken as a precedent.
   (c) A book containing such a statement or opinion, or the
       author of the book.
   (d) Justification; warrant.
             Wilt thou be glass wherein it shall discern
             Authority for sin, warrant for blame. --Shak.
 Definition: the ability to exert influence because of one's personal prestige or the status of one's office.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: acme, adept, administration, Admirable Crichton, adviser, affidavit, aficionado, agency, agentship, amateur, amperage, announcer, annunciator, appurtenance, arbiter, arbiter elegantiarum, arbiter of taste, armipotence, artisan, artist, artiste, ascendancy, assignment, attache, attestation, authoritativeness, authorities, authority, authorization, be-all and end-all, beef, bill of health, birthright, black power, blue ribbon, bon vivant, brevet, brute force, buff, care, certificate, certificate of proficiency, certification, championship, channel, charge, charisma, charm, claim, claws, clearance, clout, clutches, cogence, cogency, cognoscente, collector, command, commission, commissioning, commitment, communicant, communicator, compulsion, conduct, conjugal right, connaisseur, connoisseur, consequence, consignment, consultant, control, cordon bleu, countenance, crack shot, craftsman, credential, credit, critic, cure, dead shot, delegated authority, delegation, demand, deposition, deputation, devolution, devolvement, dilettante, dint, diploma, diplomat, diplomatist, direction, directorship, disposition, divine right, doctor, dominance, domination, dominion, drive, droit, due, duress, effect, effectiveness, effectuality, elder, elder statesman, embassy, eminence, empery, empire, empowerment, enabling, enchantment, energy, enfranchisement, enlightener, entitlement, entrusting, entrustment, epicure, epicurean, errand, establishment, esteem, evidence, example, executorship, exemplar, exequatur, experienced hand, experimental scientist, expert, expert consultant, expert witness, factorship, faculty, fan, favor, fiat, first place, first prize, flower power, force, force majeure, forcefulness, freak, full blast, full force, full power, good feeling, good judge, gossipmonger, gourmand, gourmet, governance, government, graduate, grapevine, great soul, greatness, grip, guidance, guru, hand, handling, hands, handy man, headship, hegemony, height, highest, hold, husbandry, ideal, illuminate, imperium, importance, inalienable right, incidental power, influence, influentiality, influentialness, informant, information center, information medium, informer, insinuation, intellect, intellectual, interest, interviewee, iron hand, journeyman, judge, jurisdiction, justness, kingship, lead, leadership, leading, legation, leverage, license, lieutenancy, lordship, lover of wisdom, magisterialness, magnetism, mahatma, main force, main strength, man of intellect, man of science, man of wisdom, mana, management, managery, managing, mandarin, mandate, manipulation, marksman, master, mastermind, mastership, mastery, maven, maximum, mentor, might, might and main, mightiness, mission, model, moment, monitor, most, mouthpiece, moxie, muscle power, navicert, ne plus ultra, new high, newsmonger, no slouch, notarized statement, note, notifier, nut, office, officialdom, officials, oracle, ordering, palms, paramountcy, past master, pattern, personality, persuasion, philosopher, pilotage, pizzazz, plenipotentiary power, police, politician, poop, potence, potency, potentiality, power, power of attorney, power pack, power structure, power struggle, power to act, powerfulness, powers that be, practical scientist, precedence, predominance, preponderance, prepotency, prerogative, prescription, presidency, press, pressure, prestige, presumptive right, pretense, pretension, primacy, priority, pro, procuration, productiveness, productivity, professional, professor, proficient, prominence, proper claim, property right, proxy, public relations officer, publisher, puissance, pull, punch, pundit, purchase, purview, push, rabbi, radio, raj, rank, ratification, record, refined palate, regency, regentship, regnancy, regulation, reign, reporter, repute, responsibility, right, rishi, rule, running, sage, sanction, sapient, savant, say, say-so, scholar, scientist, seer, seniority, shark, sharp, sheepskin, sinew, solidity, soundness, source, sovereignty, specialist, spokesman, standard, starets, statesman, stature, steam, steerage, steering, strength, strings, strong arm, suasion, substantiality, subtle influence, suggestion, superiority, superpower, supremacy, sway, sworn statement, talons, task, technical adviser, technical expert, technician, technologist, television, teller, testamur, testimonial, testimony, the conn, the helm, the wheel, thinker, ticket, tipster, title, top spot, tout, trust, trusteeship, upper hand, validity, vehemence, vested interest, vested right, vicarious authority, vigor, vim, virility, virtue, virtuoso, virulence, visa, vise, vitality, voucher, warrant, warranty, wattage, weight, weightiness, whip hand, wise man, wise old man, witness, wizard, word, zenith