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Meaning of MAGNETISM

Pronunciation:  'magni`tizum

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the branch of science that studies magnetism
  2. [n]  attraction for iron; associated with electric currents as well as magnets; characterized by fields of force
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 Synonyms: magnetic attraction, magnetic force, magnetics
 See Also: antiferromagnetism, attraction, attractive force, diamagnetism, electromagnetism, ferromagnetism, geophysical science, geophysics, paramagnetism



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Mag"net*ism\, n. [Cf. F. magn['e]tisme.]
The property, quality, or state, of being magnetic; the
manifestation of the force in nature which is seen in a
2. The science which treats of magnetic phenomena.
3. Power of attraction; power to excite the feelings and to
   gain the affections. ``By the magnetism of interest our
   affections are irresistibly attracted.'' --Glanvill.
{Animal magnetism}, a force, more or less analogous to
   magnetism, which, it has been alleged, is produced in
   animal tissues, and passes from one body to another with
   or without actual contact. The existence of such a force,
   and its potentiality for the cure of disease, were
   asserted by Mesmer in 1775. His theories and methods were
   afterwards called mesmerism, a name which has been
   popularly applied to theories and claims not put forward
   by Mesmer himself. See {Mesmerism}, {Biology}, {Od},
{Terrestrial magnetism}, the magnetic force exerted by the
   earth, and recognized by its effect upon magnetized
   needles and bars.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: acceptability, adduction, affinity, agacerie, agreeability, allure, allurement, appeal, ascendancy, attractance, attraction, attractiveness, attractivity, authority, beguilement, beguiling, bewitchery, bewitchment, blandishment, cajolery, capillarity, capillary attraction, captivation, centripetal force, charisma, charm, charmingness, clout, come-hither, consequence, control, credit, desirability, diamagnetism, dominance, domination, drag, draw, drawing power, effect, electromagnetism, eminence, enchantment, enthrallment, enticement, entrapment, esteem, fascination, favor, ferromagnetism, flirtation, forbidden fruit, force, gilbert, glamour, good feeling, gravitation, gravity, hold, hysteresis, hysteresis curve, importance, incidental power, inducement, influence, influentiality, insinuation, interest, inveiglement, invitation, irresistibility, leadership, leverage, likability, lovability, lure, magic, magnetic circuit, magnetic conductivity, magnetic creeping, magnetic curves, magnetic dip, magnetic elements, magnetic figures, magnetic flux, magnetic friction, magnetic hysteresis, magnetic lag, magnetic moment, magnetic permeability, magnetic potential, magnetic remanence, magnetic variation, magnetic viscosity, magnetics, magnetization, mastery, maxwell, moment, mutual attraction, paramagnetism, permeability, personality, persuasion, potency, power, predominance, preponderance, pressure, prestige, provocativeness, pull, pulling power, purchase, reign, repute, residual magnetism, rule, say, seducement, seduction, seductiveness, sex appeal, snaring, suasion, subtle influence, suggestion, supremacy, sway, sympathy, tantalization, temptation, traction, tug, unobjectionableness, upper hand, weber, weight, whip hand, winning ways, winsomeness, witchcraft, witchery, wooing